Mercury energy is the leading energy retailer in New Zealand. With their impressive technological innovations towards environmental sustainability, the company is operating successfully in the country. From its swot analysis, it is identified that the company has strong business position and its sole focus towards environmental sustainability will contribute largely to the economic stability of the country.
The main weakness to be in such domain is to maintain continuous cash flow for fostering technological innovations. Also, the climate of the country is susceptible to changes due to global warming and also due to seasonal changes. This can impact the generation of energy in their power plants. The company has immense opportunities to target more customers and to have better support of the government and other investors who can help the business foster its growth and maintain its sustainability.
The main threat of the company lies in deficit governmental. On the basis of the analysis, it is seen that the company need to focus more on technological progressives and developing its social environment. Four strategies were sorted which meant to enhance values of the customers, giving employment opportunities to rural people, attracting investors and getting adequate governmental support. The best strategy for the company is a combination of the two strategies- generating value for its people and arranging adequate financial resources. Both are indispensable for the company's long term success and the country's welfare.