The aim of this project is to create a stable, effective and user-friendly streaming solution, which will allow educational training videos and games to be deployed over the internet. For this Pilot Project, the Board has decided to begin by deploying Content Delivery Network (CDN) nodes in Perth, Sydney and Melbourne. The pilot sites should be delivered in the same order as discussed in the previous sentence.
In addition to the streaming systems, you will need to implement a range of other elements. A preliminary technical architecture has been developed for this system. This architecture and some descriptions of key system elements are available through the LMS under the Assessment heading. The file is called ‘EduStream Technical Architecture Overview’. You will need to ensure that you understand this architecture.
To implement this project, the following important issues will need to be addressed:
Instructions This first assignment comprises a set of individual tasks. In other words, you need to complete these elements of the assignment as your own work. To do this task take the following steps within the recommended timeframes: Carefully read and understand the information provided in the 'Assignment 1 - Information Sheet'.
While doing this, review the videos provided at the links and understand the key terms. After reading the 'Assignment 1 - Information Sheet', carefully read and understand the 'EduStream Technical Architecture Overview' document. While completing Steps 1 and 2, fill in Section 5 of the Project Charter (PC).
Use the Project Assessment Workbook to complete the Weighted Analysis and NPV, Payback and ROI calculation. Follow the instructions provided on the 'Read Me First - Instructions' worksheet in this workbook, which explains how to complete these tasks quickly and effectively. Work on your Project Charter during Topic Week 3 and complete the draft of Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2 and 4 during this week. Start developing your WBS using the instructions provided in the
Assignment 1 - How to Develop your WBS' document. Finalize the Project Management Plan including the predecessors and timings for your WBS by applying the techniques explained in the 'How to Develop your WBS', the Topic 4 Workshop. The Project tool must be used to build the WBS. Carefully proofread all of your materials, so they can be developed to meet industry standards. Upload the finalised documents into the LMS as specified in the 'Assignment 1 - Information Sheet'.