CHAPTER 3. Research Methodology Research design What design will you use to answer your research question? Why did you choose this design? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the design? Don’t just mention the name of the design, you write the reasons for justifying the use Poor example: A cross-sectional explanatory design was used in this study. Explanatory design attempts to explain the reasons of a problem. Better example: A cross-sectional explanatory design was used in this study. Explanatory design was used in this study to find out the relationship between personality disorder in mothers and abuse of children. A cross-sectional design was used because …. Sampling Who is/are the study population? What are the inclusion and exclusion criteria? What sampling method will you use? Why? What are the limitations of the sampling method that you have chosen? (external validity etc) Measurement Operationalize your independent and dependent variables Select an existing scale. Justify why you have selected the particular scale. Make sure that you use brief scales. Create your own questionnaire ( attach it in the report as an appendix 1) o questions on respondent profile o Select appropriate published instruments for your central variables. The questions should be structured with codes. Data collection (a minimum sample size of 50 respondents) Describe the data collection method - As much as possible go for online data collection Justify the data collection method Attach an informed consent form (appendix 2). Do download the consent form the department DERC website. CHAPTER 4. Findings Follow APA guidelines in presenting your tables. Have succinct interpretations of your table. DO NOT CUT AND PASTE TABLES FROM SOFTWARE ANALYSIS. THE MARK WILL BE REDUCED CONSIDERABLY. Table 1 : Socio-demographic profile Table 2 : Univariate statistics on main/central variables Table 3: Hypothesis 1 Table 4 : Hypothesis 2 Table 5 : Hypothesis 3 CHAPTER 5. Discussion a. compare and contrast with existing literature b. what are the implications of the findings? (practice, research policy) c. what are the limitations of your study? In the first paragraph, summarize your central findings. In the paragraphs that follow, take each of them, critically and succinctly review them in terms of current literature (based on your review of literature) and theoretical framework. EXAMPLE OBJECTIVE: To find out the relationship between child abuse and intimate partner violence in Asia. FINDING : Persons with history of abuse during their childhood were more likely to abuse their partners in the later stages of their lives. DISCUSSION In the present study (i.e. your study), persons with a history of child abuse are at an increased risk of physically abusing their partners during adulthood – findings consistent with other studies (Chokkanathan, 2019; Perterson, 2019 References from review of literature). This result also concurs with social learning theory (this is the theoretical framework that I have chosen for my study, again from review of literature) that states that violence is a learned behaviour (references ..). Additionally, this study also points out to gender differences on the relationship between child abuse and intimate partner violence, which has been neglected in other studies (references….)…. Also write down the implications of your study for social work practice, research and policy. ---- I have conducted the survey and can pass the excel file for further analysis. Analysis will have to include different statistical analysis such as chinsquare. research methodology - cross sectional, explanatory design sampling - convenience sampling --- sending out questionnaire links through whatsapp.