This ICA aims to allow students to:a. Analyze the layout design, implementation and control of service operations through an obse rvati on study. b. Analyze the servicescape and make recommendations to improve customer satisfaction.c. Explain the capacity management challenges and make recommendations to resolve them.3. Requirementsa. Choose a function from an organization to critique on. E.g. Pediatric Clinic in KK Hospital. You can also choose a function from your organization if appropriate.b. There should be no duplication of companies within the class. Companies and functions selected must be approved by your module tutor.c. Conduct an onsite (please observe safe-distancing where appropriate) observati on study in the follo wing areas of operations for the funct ion / organization you have chosen: oLayout desi gn oService-scape/Environmental dimensi ons (ambient conditions, space,si gnage) oResource uti liz ati on & Capacity Management d. Critique and provide recommendations to enhance key areas in serviceoperations, namely layout desi gn and service-scape, and capacity management,using the following as a guide: