Task Your group is required to study the case scenario provided in this assignment booklet and prepare for the workshop discussion on 22 June2020. During the workshop, your group will be able to obtain more detail based on the question the group prepares. Case: Wine Factory Job DescriptionAn employee survey and subsequent ergonomic evaluation revealed a high risk “problem job” and ergonomic improvement opportunity for packing of wine bottles at apartial automatic wine bottling and packing facility:Packing Operator In the employee survey, several employees identified high levels of MSD risk at this operation. Illness records were reviewed for the previous three years. This review revealed that there had been several reportedMSDs over this period. Some injuries were reported on the lower back and most were one shoulder and one elbow pain/discomfort. The TaskPacking operators are responsible to pack products into boxes for delivery. Site Visit (Workshop)Your group will need to read up more about wine bottle factory and packing. On the 22ndJune, your group will be allocate a 15 minutes interview the supervisor of the packing line. He will provide you more inforamation you need at that time.During the workshop, a video demonstrating the task will be played. Additional InformationA standard list of additional information will be issue to all students after the workshop.
OHSE2720Ergonomics for OHS Assignment BookletYour report should cover the following: a)Appraise the task: Observations and description of the job(4marks) b)Identify ergonomic hazards: Discuss the hazards identified (4 marks)c)Assess risks: Discuss the assessment tools (4marks)d) Result of the assessment(4marks)e)Make suitable recommendations: -Propose and design a suitable packing workstation forthe task (5marks)-Discuss and justify your recommendations (5marks)f) Provide suitableillustration of the proposed work station (