PY1101 Psychology
What you need to do: The word length for this assignment is a . You are tasked with critically evaluating four (4) research papers, using the following outline. 1. Provide an introductory paragraph that introduces the research topics being explored 2. Evaluate each research paper separately using the following steps: a. Analyse and discuss the argument (argument based on sound theory, presents alternative sides of the argument; terms have been properly defined; evidence to support argument; hypotheses are appropriate; arguments are not weak). b. examine the research methodology (who were the participants, is it a representative sample, how were participants selected, how was the study conducted) c. analyse and discuss the findings and the conclusions/implications (are the conclusions supported by the findings and other evidence? Are the conclusions logical or are they beyond the scope of the study?) 3. Provide a concluding paragraph that synthesises the findings from the evaluated papers; draw a conclusion from the evidence; provide recommendations for future research. For additional readings on how to effectively evaluate research, read Chapter 2 of the required textbook and Chapter 3 of the recommended "An interactive approach to writing essays and research reports in Psychology" text. Tin^ nre;elne en kn annhonen