· This assignment must be completed individually.
· You must use the Harvard referencing system.
· Your work must indicate the number of words you have used. Written assignments must not exceed the specified maximum number of words. When a written assignment is marked, the excessive use of words beyond the word limit is reflected in the academic judgement of the piece of work which results in a lower mark being awarded for the piece of work (regulation 6.74).
· Assignment submissions are to be made anonymously. Do not write your name anywhere on your work.
· Write your student ID number at the top of every page.
· Where the assignment comprises more than one task, all tasks must be submitted in a single document.
· You must number all pages.
Write an essay in which you:
Demonstrate the importance of ‘Employee Wellbeing’ (Banfield, Kay, and Royles, (2018) p.30-1, 64, 145) as a function of HRM in organisations; specifically, how organisations actively attempt to ensure the wellbeing of their staff, and what benefits the organisation hopes to achieve by doing so. You should also consider what limits there might be to employer interference in individual employee lifestyles. You should cite two examples of organisations that invest heavily in employee wellbeing, giving evidence of what practical steps they take, and the effect that it has on organisational effectiveness. You will be marked as follows:
· Definition of Employee Wellbeing, its scope, nature and limits in general practice. (30 Marks)
· First example of an organisation’s attempt at Employee Wellbeing initiatives. (30 Marks)
· Second example of an organisation’s attempt at Employee Wellbeing initiatives. (30 Marks)
· Use correct academic writing technique, including effective structure, grammar, spelling, use of in-text citations, and a full reference list, all of which should use the Harvard referencing convention. (10 Marks)
To achieve success, the following is required:
· Define and explain the concept of Employee Wellbeing, and what physical processes/activities/initiatives might indicate whether an organisation is investing in the wellbeing of its people. You should also argue what limitations, if any, should exist on how much an employer should interfere with an individual employee’s lifestyle. You should also consider the legal perspective of ‘Duty of Care’ that organisations have for their employees.
· Give two examples of actual practice by named organisations which demonstrates how these organisations are actively concerned with managing the wellbeing of their employees.
· The vast majority of work should demonstrate your own original thinking, with data, quotes, paraphrased opinions, and other evidence used wher appropriate, to evidence and support your own, original debate.
· This should be delivered in essay format, consisting of a title page, your main body of work, and a reference list. There is no requirement for an executive summary, table of contents, or appendices. You must not use diagrams or tables as part of your answer
· Evidence should be used from appropriate sources, such as; your core text book, other HRM text books, academic papers and HRM journals, casestudies contained in academic works or on industry chartered institute platforms such as CIPD, CMI, Institute of Leadership and Management, etc. For the examples of practice, any official social media account representing your named organisations, may also yield appropriate evidence.