You will be expected to be able to demonstrate you have met these outcomes.
1.Knowledge and Understanding: Critically evaluate classical and contemporary leadership theories and assess their relevance for leadership within C21st organisations
2.Knowledge and Understanding: Demonstrate a critical awareness of the principles of change and the change process
3.Intellectual, practical, affective and transferable skills: Analyse and evaluate the roles of the change agent, change management roles and techniques
4.Intellectual, practical, affective and transferable skills: Critically reflect on their own personal effectiveness and development as a leader in preparation for a more senior role within the organisation
You are required to:
?Critically reflect on your own effectiveness as a leader.
?Produce recommendations for your own personal leadership development.
The reflection and recommendations should focus on one or two broad aspects of leadership (see the content list for the module as a guide to the various possibilities). Your reflection should ideally focus on current leadership experience and/or that of the recent past (i.e. the last two years)
You are required to:
?Critically reflect: either on a recent change process that has happened or is currently happening in your own work situation; or on a change process that has happened in an organisation of your choice.
?Produce recommendations as to the lessons you have learned from the change process which will enable you to more effectively enable change in the future.