MOD004553 Artificial Intelligence
During the trimester, weekly practical classes will reinforce the principles of the associated lecture topic. Of these, there will be FIVE programming exercises whose solutions should be archived into a portfolio and submitted along with the main assignment at the end of the trimester. These exercises have been marked in practical activities hands-on. These exercises should be worked on in scheduled practical class time, and students can support/help each other provided that no actual code is exchanged between students, whether embedded in an email or attached as a separate file. In contrast, verbal discussion and/or communication by free text grammatical social media is encouraged. Remember, Plagiarism and Collusion are serious assessment offences, and your submissions will be checked for that. In the portfolio, each successful exercise solution is worth THREE marks. For example, if 5 exercises are submitted for assessment but only 3 are successful and functional as expected, you will be awarded towards the final mark.
The Concept Of ‘Word Families’ in AI: Application to a ‘Guess the Word’ Game An inherent requirement of many computer games is to incorporate the ‘computer’ as an adversary (single player computer games). Usually, the computer must behave like a ‘real’ player and the extent to which this is achieved reflects the level of AI.
Your assignment is to implement a game of ‘Guess The Word’ in which the computer always sets the word and you (the human player) has to guess the word - but in this case there is a ‘twist’ – the computer can cheat – it has access to a dictionary and is able to change the chosen word on the fly during the game so as to avoid matches proposed by the human player trying to guess the word. This should make the computer very difficult to beat.
The rules of ‘Guess the Word’ are as follows
Player one (Computer) chooses a secret word, then writes out a number of dashes equal to the word length.
Player two (human) begins guessing letters. Whenever he/she guesses a letter contained in the hidden word, player one (Computer) reveals each instance of that letter in the word. Otherwise, the guess is wrong.
The game ends either when all the letters in the word have been revealed or when player two (human) has run out of guesses.