Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
Demonstrate significant understanding of the interaction of theory and practice resulting from a structured work placement brief which includes specified objectives or target outcomes with appropriate academic underpinning and the close observation of an organisation over a specified period of time.
Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
Produce and present evidence of your work placement to enable an evaluation of your performance relative to set objectives and target outcomes and an assessment of what you have learned as a participant-observer of an organisation
What am I required to do in this assignment?
Your third assessment will be an individual portfolio which will act as an evidence base and personal defence of your creative proposals in response to the agreed tasks and your organisations brief.
In your portfolio you will evidence all the work you have done to meet the set objectives including the reading of relevant academic, professional and organisational material. A higher grade can be achieved by demonstrating independent thought and proposing creative or innovative solutions with sound academic underpinning to the set objectives.
The portfolio comprises three separate elements, all of which contribute to the two learning outcomes. These are as follows:
1.A literature review which provides the academic under-pinning of your proposal, final report and defence of your creative proposals in response to the agreed tasks and your organisations brief ;
2.A journal to document your experience and reflections on various tasks undertaken during your work placement with reference to academic literature as appropriate .
3.An individually developed defence of the creative ideas and suggestions proposed in response to your organisational brief. This is underpinned by theory where relevant and follows tutors feedback .
You will be expected to use PebblePad as your e-portfolio client which is accessible through BREO.
If for any reason you have changed focus from Assessment 1, please ensure that you address the significance and benefits of your new direction clearly. You must support your assertions by referencing appropriate and up to date literature. This is a requirement of academic work.
You will need to use up to date academic sources to support what you are saying as well as professional publications if appropriate. Furthermore, you ought to be able to access your host organisations own publications – only those that published and in the public domain. Do not use confidential, classified, or business sensitive material – if in doubt ask a senior staff member or line manager.
Do not confuse criticism with critique – the former is inappropriate whilst the latter is necessary. If you wish to use a personal account of your experience (within the context of the placement) you must follow the principles of ethnography and support and reference appropriate texts to underpin your use of this methodology.
Academic guidance can be obtained from [email protected]
Submit your word-processed work electronically through the unit BREO. Hand written or paper copies of work are not acceptable.
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
We will be filling this section in together in class on Click or tap to enter a date. make sure you have downloaded/printed out the Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.
How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
The scheduled sessions offer an academic knowledge base which includes both theoretical models and systemic approaches to analysis. This forms the basis upon which learners will conduct their individual exploration of issues within their respective workplaces.
How will my assignment be marked?
Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page.
You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.