1.Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
Recognise the role of HR matrix and data sources in order to present a clear business focus report to resolve an HR issues/challenge.
2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
Apply knowledge of HRM theory and practice through conducting a small scale research, analyse findings, draw meaningful conclusions and provide recommendations for change .
What am I required to do in this assignment?
You will produce a research poster supported with your own research notes and credible academic references, which identifies the role of the HR matrix (the key functions of HRM), present ONE of the key functions of HRM in more depth, identify an HR issue or challenge within the function selected and using relevant data sources, resolve the HR issue or challenge you identified.
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
In order to pass this assessment, you will need to:
·Introduce the role of the key HRM functions and identify ONE area to focus on in more depth.
·Identify an HR issue or challenge within the specific HRM function you have selected to focus on in more depth.
·Undertake research, using a range of credible academic sources, and prepare research notes, with citations, to resolve the issue or challenge.
·Prepare a visually attractive Research Poster summarising the key aspects of your research and demonstrating in-depth knowledge of HR theory and/or practice with references.
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
You may have noticed that the section answering the question “How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?” is currently empty. We will be filling this section in together in the Week 2 class to make sure you have downloaded/printed out the Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
You will learn to identify appropriate sources of information for use in a particular tasks, apply theoretical models to given scenarios and learn to develop your own point of view based on evidence.
You will be introduced to basic purpose and key objectives of the HRM Function. Current issues in the news, case studies, research and professional practices, along with discussion on how these impacts on the role of HR practitioners, will underpin the unit.
How will my assignment be marked?
Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page.
You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.
1 Few relevant key points are outlined although no real framing. Some visual impact. Lack of research notes or evidence of understanding of key points. Some valid and relevant key points are identified although not well framed. Poster has limited visual impact. Research notes provided but with limited understanding of key points.
Attempts to frame and highlight the key points with some visual impact. Research notes are clear and demonstrate some understanding of the key points. Provides a clear and concise poster that highlights the key points with visual impact. Research notes are clear and demonstrate understanding of key points.
2Attempts to describe appropriate HRM theory, practice or process, drawing on published sources introduced. Limited evidence of understanding key issues and concepts. Logically and relevantly focused description of HRM theory, practice or process, using published sources introduced in the unit but with limited evidence of wider reading.
Appropriate key aspects or main ideas of the chosen HRM theory, practice or process identified, using published sources. Less in-depth than an A Grade.
The key aspects or main ideas of the chosen HRM theory, practice or process is identified appropriately, supported by the use of several credible published sources.
3 Expansion of key topics is vague or overly descriptive and is supported by limited evidence. Expansion of key topics is limited but coherent and supported by evidence. They key aspects or main ideas identified are expanded on, with some evidence of independent reading.
They key aspects or main ideas identified are expanded on, with substantial evidence of independent reading.
Few citations and a passable reference list. Sources are cited with an adequate reference list Sources are cited throughout along with a good reference list. Sources are set out in a comprehensive reference list and cited throughout.