1.Demonstrate critical knowledge and understanding of key theories and contemporary research evidence on effective approaches to leading and managing teams in organisations/projects, using creative techniques to enhance practice where needed.
2. Analyse and evaluate team, leadership and management behaviours that are pivotal to successful people management practice and design creative proposals to enhance leadership, management and team-working practice.
What am I required to do in this assignment?
Conduct research and select a company that has faced performance issues related to its leadership approach. The selected company can also be a company that has ceased operating in the market. You are required to provide a 10 minute presentation followed by a 5 minute question and answer session.
In the report please answer (in no specific order) the following questions.
What leadership approach has the company adopted?
How has organisational performance been influenced by the leadership of the company?
What human resource practices could be implemented to help the company improve its performance?
What alternative leadership style(s) could be used to enable the firm to become more competitive?
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
In order to pass the assessment you will need to:
Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of theories relating to managing and leading teams in organisations/projects by applying them in an analysis of a case study organisation/project.
Propose reasoned solutions to issues identified to improve the management and leadership of people and team-working in the organisation/project.
Present evidence of knowing how to manage and lead people in a professional and ethical way. How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade? To achieve a good grade in this assignment, you need to consider the following points.
· Provide a well-structured and coherent presentation that comprehensively addresses all the parts of the assignment.
· Demonstrate a good level of understanding of the topic. Evidence of wide reading is essential.
· Keep your presentation focused and deliver your presentation within the time limit allocated to you.
· Display effective communication and presentation skills.
· Support your presentation with references and provide an accurate reference list.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
This task will enable you to use what you have learned in the class to research and review different leadership and management approaches in the case study and gain a better understanding of the kinds of human resource management issues that organisations encounter. You are also required to design solutions to address the issues you identified in the case study. In so doing, you will be able to improve a range of skills that are important for your development including your presentation, analytical, problem-solving and critical thinking skills.