The senior management team (SMT) of a 5 star hotel in Bournemouth decided to diversify the range of products offered. Therefore, the product portfolio will be enriched with various events organised in the venue. Working in this hotel as a duty manager and being elected many times as the employee of the month, you are requested to write and present to SMT a report for staff training purposes, to enhance the background knowledge and understanding of the events and conferencing industry.
The report should have a clear and logical structure, should investigate the nature of the events sector providing relevant examples and explore management skills required to work within a safe events environment.
Within the report you can make reference to:
1. Diversity of the sector
2. Features of events
3. Current trends within the event industry
4. Different job roles and responsibilities in events management
5. Key management responsibilities
6. Personal attributes and skills
7. Providing a safe venue
8. Providing safe environment for guests
9. Providing safe environment for staff