This module explores historical, current, and emerging issues, technologies, practices, and infrastructure relating to the creation of large-scale, multi-function websites. Particular emphasis is given to supporting wide-ranging functionality (e.g. a combination of eCommerce, communication, social networking, content and management). Particular attention is given to the application of rational methods and critical thinking in the selection of the web technologies which are most suited to a given application scenario.
A research-infused curriculum is adopted in this module and is reinforced by an expectation that you will regularly contribute to the virtual classroom’s discussion forum. This will provide opportunities to consider diverse cutting-edge issues - thereby supporting you in the acquisition of a broad range of highly transferable skills. As part of the assessment for this module, you will have the opportunity to carry out a research-informed Case Study and develop a working web application for a given application.
2. Learning Outcomes On successful completion of the module, you will be able to:
1. Review and critically evaluate available web-based application implementation options.
2. Interpret web-based application development issues.
3. Identify and justify the design decisions involved in implementing fully featured, multifunction websites.
This component is based on developing a prototype web application based on the requirement analysis conducted in component-1 of coursework-1. You are required to present application design in the form of a report as well. This component will provide you with an opportunity to apply the web development skills acquired during the module and present your work in a formal report.
Final submission for this component should be in the format of one MS Word document and a short 3-4 minute video presentation. Your report should be professionally presented. There must be at least a title page, a section on references, two sections design, application development) and two appendices for code. Make sure that
the video link is provided the report and also upload it to the discussion board. The deliverables and corresponding marks distribution is presented in the following table,
1 Development of a written report for the design of the project.
2 Develop the web application, as a basic prototype displaying current offers, accessible on multiple devices. Code added as an appendix to the report.
3 Extended the basic version of the web application with user accounts and search options. Code added as a separate
4 A demonstration video,
Table 3: Deliverables and marking scheme details for component-1, coursework-2 In addition to general guidelines listed in sections 5 and 6, please consider the following guidelines for this component in coursework-2,
1. The section presenting the design of web application must make efficient use of diagrams and illustrations (e.g. UML, Flowcharts).
2. Code written for the application should be thoroughly commented.
3. The report should analyse the developed application in context of the requirements formed during design.
4. Key objectives in developing your video presentation should be to:
4.1. Clearly explain the work undertaken.
4.2. Employ an interesting and lively style of presentation.
4.3. Avoid simply reading from a prepared script.
4.4. Demonstrate working of your web application in context of requirements identified in the report.
Table 2 presents a sample outline for the report. Please note that this template is just a guideline for the minimal requirements. You are encouraged to extend and adapt this and find an outline that conveys all the requirements in a different layout or outline.
1. All postings must be written in a professional way.
2. Postings should be written in your own words. Copying and reproducing material from other sources and representing it as your own work constitutes plagiarism and is likely to result in the instigation of a formal Suspected Academic Offence process.
3. Following on from (2), you are encouraged to share with others in the class any relevant information that you locate when carrying out research into specific topics. This information may take the form of articles, website content, videos, etc. However, this content should add to your own discussion (rather than replacing it) and the source(s) of information must be clearly indicated.
4. You should endeavour to enter into interactive discussion and proffer help when questions are asked by others in the class.
5. The Discussion Board is intended to represent a dynamic virtual classroom in which you share your experiences, research, thoughts, etc. It is also an environment in which you are encouraged to ask and respond to questions.
6. Discussion Board postings such as ‘I agree’ (i.e. which do not move discussion forward) will not contribute to your grade for component-2 of coursework-2.
7. You are expected to demonstrate that you have regularly contributed to the Discussion Board and have meaningfully engaged in a number of activities. This means that you should frequently access the Discussion Board.
8. You are expected to demonstrate involvement in interactive discussion with other class members.
9. You are expected to demonstrate that you have undertaken research in developing postings.