Overview of Requirements Assessment for Computational Thinking (CIS0002-N) requires you to produce an evolving portfolio of artefacts that demonstrates your developing knowledge, comprehension, and ability to apply principles of computational thinking to problem solving and algorithm design. The portfolio will be assessed for the following: ⢠Computational Thinking Fundamentals [40 points] Incremental learning tasks that demonstrate knowledge of, and ability to apply, computational thinking to computing tasks, and to design and implement problem solving procedures employing fundamental algorithmic building blocks. ⢠Problem Scenario Solution [40 points] Solution to a problem scenario that requires computational thinking principles using a sprint-based approach. ⢠Reflection [20 points] A reflective report on your module experience and how you managed the in-course assessment (500-1000 words). Further details are given below and there will be a supporting briefing session on the ICA. Submission of materials must be made via Blackboard Ultra to the link provided. The submission date is specified in the submission schedule and the Blackboard Ultra Assessment section. CIS0002-N-ComputationalThinking-ICA.docx Learning Outcomes Personal and Transferable Skills 1. Reflect upon the study experience for self-evaluation and personal development. [PT1] 2. Use appropriate building blocks to design algorithmic procedures for solving problems and discuss solutions [PT3, PT7] Research, Knowledge and Cognitive Skills 3. Demonstrate knowledge and ability to use the fundamental building blocks of algorithms to construct solutions to problems that would benefit from a computational thinking approach. [RKC1] 4. Recognise and exploit patterns in data or information relevant to the development of an algorithmic solution or procedural requirement [RKC3] 5. Explain choices and evaluate the operation and performance of an algorithmic procedure. [RKC6, RKC4] Professional Skills 6. Construct algorithms that address situational requirements for a given problem or scenario. [PS1] 7. Demonstrate professionalism by recognising the need to adopt a standard or consistent approach to documenting and modelling algorithmic routines. [PS3] CIS0002-N-ComputationalThinking-ICA.docx Requirements for the Computational Thinking Portfolio Your assessment requires you to produce three artefacts: 1. Computational Thinking Fundamentals [40 points] Design and implement problem solving procedures employing fundamental algorithmic building blocks that demonstrate your ability to apply computational thinking to computing tasks. These tasks will be provided during lab sessions, and they will involve the application of computational thinking in problem solving tasks. Your submission will be a folder with the Flowgorithm files. This will meet Learning Outcomes 2, 3, 4 and 6. 2. Problem Scenario Solution [40 points] Design and build a suite of algorithms for the given problem scenario (see below) and implement them using a Flowgorithm native file (.fprg). Your algorithm file should include all algorithms necessary for responding to the given problem scenario. Better solutions will be hierarchically structured, make good use of suitable data structures, and include commentary where appropriate. This will meet Learning Outcomes 2, 3, 4 and 6. 3. Reflection (500-1000 words) [20 points] Provide a reflection on your module experience and how you met the in-course assessment requirements. Your reflection should document your learning and personal development, providing evidence (e.g. screenshots or images of practical or in-course assessment work) where appropriate to support your reflective commentary. You should concentrate on what you learned and how your knowledge and skill developed as you addressed the in-course assessment and module content. Document the challenges you encountered and what you did to resolve them. You could also consider how your experience may affect your future studies and employment options or choices. You could also design a personal development learning plan based on your self-evaluation. This should be in the form of a MSWord document or an alternative document in a readable format. This will meet Learning Outcomes 1, 5 and 7. Please note that the library