1.Electronic copy of assignment must be submitted through the Turnitin software.
2.This assignment will be marked electronically and results available online through Grademark in Turnitin within 3 weeks of the submission date.
3.10% of marks are awarded for satisfactory use of language and/or good presentation.
4.5% of marks are awarded for satisfactory referencing and/or presentation of a bibliography where either is required. Note that all referenced work should be obtained from credible sources.
5.Students should ensure that they comply with Glyndwr University’s plagiarism policy.
Students should make correct use of the Harvard referencing method.
Learning Outcomes Tested in this Assignment :
1. Accurately identify and specify the nature and characteristics and variables of relevance to a problem or investigative topic within the management or business domain.
2. Design and write a logical and methodologically sound research proposal as a basis for undertaking a researchable project independently.
Research Question/Problem
We recommend three terms of reference. One which states the purpose, one which states and justifies the method(s) and one which draws conclusions from the findings and makes recommendations. The sort of language you are advised to use will include statements beginning with ‘to investigate ..’, ‘to research .. ’ ‘to analyse/evaluate/compare …’ or even ‘to critically evaluate …’ and you will propose to ‘draw conclusions/make recommendations’, ‘compare results with findings contained in the literature’, or perhaps ‘to survey or to assess …’
You are advised to start with an introductory section which sketches in issues which form the background of the topic/the organisation/ the type of problem. You can then outline the purpose of the study, what you are seeking to investigate, why you are doing the study and why it is worth doing. You need to justify what you are doing.
A summary of theory, and key factors arising from theory, relating to the area of the research. It is important that you link different areas of literature/comment showing a consistent thread of logic connecting the different sources you use. You need to cite a minimum number of references (between six and ten).
You must justify your suggested methodology by reference to appropriate theory. This section should refer to the research design and the reasons for the research, it should comment on why particular methods have been chosen (interviews or questionnaires – how are they to be administered, how can you test that your results will be meaningful ? Are you going to use any secondary data ?). You should detail and explain data collection techniques (why have particular respondents been chosen, how do you propose to eliminate bias, is your data reproducible, reliable ?) confirm that you have/or can gain access to data and you should detail your data analysis techniques (calculations, graphs for quantitative data, sources of comparison for qualitative comments).
You need a realistic and achievable schedule, which commences with initial research and concludes with submission of the final dissertation report.