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Object Detection in Images - Short Report Assignment

1. Aims
This assignment will be assessed (10% of the final mark of the module). Students are invited to prepare a short report that describes an approach of detecting objects in images. For example, someone may wish to develop a technique to detect humans in 2D or 3D images. Others may expect to develop an approach to detect brain cancer areas in 2D or 3D MRI images. The proposed approach may be part of the learning, exercising or exploring that students have experienced inside and outside the class. 


This provides students with an opportunity to increase their knowledge and understanding, and to enhance their skills in computational intelligence and software engineering. This coursework also allows students to consolidate and practise the knowledge, understanding and analysis that they have gained inside and outside the class.

2. Learning outcomes 
A range of object detection approaches.
To properly use the literature.
To develop effective information collection abilities.
To prepare and deliver documentations for the specified task.
To work towards a task oriented deadline. 

Analysis of a real-world problem.
Collecting materials and references for real-world problem solving.
Development of machine learning and optimisation solutions.


3. Key indicators
Reading and writing independently. 
Use of documentation tools, such as Microsoft Word 2010 or newer. 
Clear structure and convincing arguments in the documentation. 
Proper use of references from the literature.


4. Suggested procedure 
To retrieve necessary references in the literature.
To read through the references.
To plan the structure of the report. 
To organise the description/statement of each section.
To revise and improve the report. 
To submit the report online (Blackboard). 

5. Report requirements
The structure of the report can be found in Appendix 1. Text font: Ariel, 11 or larger. Three compulsory components detailed below must be implemented. 

Compulsory Components
1) Introduction. Less than 100 words.
2) Proposed technology. Less than 300 words.
3) Conclusion. Less than 100 words.

Necessary appendices can be added to the end of the report without any page limit, which help the reader to better understand the report.

If a compulsory component is missing, 15% - 70% marks will be deducted from the overall marks, depending on the missing components


6. Project submission 
Please submit the entire report in the PDF format to Blackboard on or before 19.00 on 24th November, 2020.   

Regarding late submission, plagiarism and mitigating circumstances, please check the “study guide” of the module on Blackboard. 
