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BUS020C416 Principles Of Marketing


Knowledge – You will be able to understand the principles of marketing and digital communication.

Intellectual/transferrable skill – You will be able to apply basic marketing and digital communication techniques to organisational contexts

You will be applying basic business knowledge, developing your commercial awareness of how marketing impacts on organisational performance and understanding of a range of methods to communicate effectively.

Instructions for assessment

The coursework assignment requires students to submit a 2500-word assignment by the above deadline. Your work needs to show that you have accessed good quality information on your market and product (e.g. Mintel) and that you have used the ideas about marketing from the module (e.g. from the lecture materials and from the core text)

The assignment requires students to describe and analyse marketing activities associated with the launch of a new haircare product.  

The assignment needs to contain the following elements:

a)A brief description of the new product that is the focus of this assignment AND

a brief analysis of the market for this product;

b)Set out your strategy for the segmentation, targeting and positioning of the product;

c)Your recommended Marketing Mix for this product

Mode of submission All written assignments will be submitted and marked online via Turnitin.

Your assignment will be assessed against the following criteria (further details in the rubric at the end of this assessment brief):

?Description on the new product (20%)

?Analysis of the market for this product (20%)

?Strategy for the segmentation, targeting and positioning of the product (20%)

?Marketing Mix for this product (20%)

?Structure of and quality of writing in the assignment (10%)

?Presentation and referencing (10%)

Additional Information for Resitting Students

You must resubmit your work using the specific resit Turnitin link on Moodle. You should:

Review your previously submitted work and read carefully the feedback given by the marker. If you have not received the feedback please contact the seminar tutor. Use this feedback to help you prepare your work.

Include with your resubmission an additional reflective piece of up to 300 words (ideally at the start of the document before the assignment itself) on what you understand was weak, how you set about addressing this and what you have learned from this that may help you with further assignments. You should address the following specifically:

i) Identify tutor feedback points on your original work and identify where/how the resit work has changed (give page number) in response to feedback

ii) Identify the lessons you have learnt from doing the resit

iii) Reflect on how your feedback and this process will help you improve future assignments

If you did not submit work at the first opportunity you cannot reflect on your feedback. However, you are still required to submit a reflective piece in which you identify your reasons for non-submission, the implications of non-submission for your future success and how you propose to address this in the future.

If you were deferred at the first assessment opportunity you do not need to include the reflective piece as this is a first submission at a later date, not a resit.

The original marking criteria will still apply (see marking grid below) except that the 10% weighting for presentation and referencing will be awarded instead to your reflective piece.

How will your work be assessed?

Your work will be assessed by a subject expert who will use the marking grid provided in this assessment brief.  When you access your marked work it is important that you reflect on the feedback so that you can use it to improve future assignments.
