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Physical Phenomenon Analysis Lab Report Writing Assignment

Learning Outcomes

1. Introduction:
The aim of this assignment is to demonstrate that you are able to study and analyse a physical phenomenon by practical application of the concepts involved and then draw your own conclusions based upon your own experimental data.

In the case of a virtual (computerised) lab, you will be asked to carry out the experiment using an online Colorado university PhET simulation of an experiment which is relevant to the module syllabus such as “Masses and Springs” 


2. Learning Outcomes:
This assignment assesses your ability to: demonstrate practical skills following a method and adapting  method to improve accuracy and justify your changes; accurately record and analyse your own data; draw conclusions and evaluate your findings using scientific arguments.



3. Carry out the method demonstrated by the class tutor (the tutor will provide a method sheet and/or a “how-to” video to be available on the VLE), making your own adjustments to the method to improve on accuracy and write a lab report to fulfil the marking criteria below.


4. Aim: The aim of the experiment obviously depends on which experiment students are asked to write up for this final summative assessment. In the case of the masses and spring oscillations experiment, a good example of an Aim would be as follows:


Aim - To investigate the relationship between the mass m and time period T of oscillation and to determine a value for the spring constant k with uncertainty using algebraic and graphical techniques.


5. Include in your report a risk assessment if carried out in the laboratory/classroom.


6. Marking Criteria: (40 marks)
Practical Skills (5 marks): In the case of a face-to-face lab or classroom, your practical skills will be assessed in view of how carefully you set up and use the equipment, implementation of procedures to minimise errors, teamwork, and careful return of the equipment after the experiment. In the case of a virtual (computerised) lab your practical skills mark will be based on originality of ideas for improving the method, excellent results table, description of sources of error in the evaluation. In the case of the resistivity virtual lab: the micrometer screw gauge reading must be included correctly in an Appendix. Adjustments to the method (2.5 marks): well-argued justifications for the student’s own adjustments to the method in order to improve the accuracy in the measurements. Additional notes for virtual lab: it should be very clear from the very first line of the method (at the latest) that a computerised lab was used.



Results (5 marks): results presented in a table and any other relevant results, all recorded clearly, correctly and accurately together with correctly presented uncertainties and errors (such as instrument uncertainties, random errors, zero errors). For the table, the columns headings must include unit and uncertainty. The table should contain about 8 rows. No made-up results!


Assessment Brief
Graph (5 marks): Choose a descriptive title and label both the x and y-axis carefully with the quantity and unit. Draw a straight line of best fit (don’t join the dots!) and measure the gradient of the line of best fit itself (don’t use plotted points for the gradient: don’t use values that correspond directly to the results table). If gradient is calculated directly, a large triangle should be drawn on the graph and the accuracy of the gradient calculation must be clearly demonstrated. Circle any anomalies.


Analysis (10 marks):
1. Comment on the shape of the graph including commenting on values, intercept, slope, and comment on any anomalies (only if there are any);
2. (a) Calculate the gradient and then (b) calculate the value that you are aiming to find (such as the spring constant, k) using your own value of gradient from your own graph. All calculations must be 100% accurate and all steps must be set out clearly, in full detail as well as typeset professionally (use an equation editor).
3. Work through the percentage uncertainty calculations as explained in the VLE materials for this topic. You must include all three of the above in your analysis section.


Conclusion (5 marks): Begin your conclusion by stating your final result - this must be presented in the correct format: k = (.… ± ….) unit. Next compare your result with its error margin to the theoretically expected value (use the ± to find the two extreme values: does the value you looked up lie within your range?) Cite your source to show that your theoretical value is from a reliable source (give the reference of the book website or VLE where you found the theoretical value in the bibliography). Finally, explain in your scientific opinion, the main reason (what do you think was the main source of error?) why your result is not 100% identical to the theoretically expected value.


Evaluation (5 marks): Give a detailed account of what went well and what didn’t go so well in terms of the measurements you took and the equipment you used. Identify and discuss as many random and systematic errors as you can, and then list ideas for improvements so that next time these errors and uncertainties can be minimised.


Bibliography (2.5 marks): This must be Harvard referenced. Include any websites or books you used such as the VLE (in the case of the virtual labs, you must cite the PhET simulation you used) and include your source for the theoretically expected value. 
