This work is required from all students who deferred the python project or failed the coursework component of this module. The Student will be required to submit a word document of fully commented code + copy of the code + short video of code and output demonstration. The final submission is going to be on the 3rd of August, 2020, emailed to the module leader in Hendon campus (Rand Raheem) email address:
Students will have to write Python code for creating an original light animation on the 6 LED bars mounted in the lab. They will be provided with:
· interfacing library which allows wireless access to the LED device
· simulator software which allows to test the code locally before connecting to the LED device
· example scriptsshowing how to use the library and produce some basic animations Originality in the design and implementation of animations is strongly encouraged, as is the use of programming tools beyond those explained in class. Additional grades are awarded for employing external interfacing methods e.g. Arduino based (this is not compulsory due to COVID 19).
Summarising, this assessment will be assessed based on quality of final submission, and knowledge demonstrated during the live presentation, according to the rubric below. Project 3 evaluation rubric Item Fail Code High quality code exhibiting deep knowledge and creativity Code shows structure,
Understanding of programming tools and personal initiative Code shows some personal initiative and good understanding of basic concepts Code works, but is mostly based on given examples with little personal contribution Code does not work, and shows little understanding of language/algorithms Documentation
Advanced comments and documentation Satisfactory comments and documentation Basic but correct documentation and comments Poor documentation and comments Missing or comments or documentation Animations
Highly creative and varied animations using a range of techniques A range of novelanimations with clear personal ideas Some new ideas incorporated into simple animations Mostly variations on given examples, with few personal ideas Same as in examples, with no demonstration of any personal contribution User interface 15 % Use of sensors for getting user input and changing animations Keyboard interface with some options, but no use of external sensors Basic (e.g. mouse movement, multiple keypresses) Very basic (e.g. single keypress) No interface Presentation
Very good and organised demonstration Careful demonstration of code and user guide Demonstration is clear but not very organised