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ENG1006 English

This essay will focus on ONE primary text: 1. The Collected Poems of George Whalley, by George Whalley 2. Good Morning, Midnight, Lily Brooks-Dalton Choose ONE of the statements below. In a well-written essay explore how the author you choose (Whalley or Brooks-Dalton) reveals the statement is true OR false OR ambiguous. Carefully select and reproduce evidence from the primary text and clearly explain the reasons for your observations. 1. Joseph Conrad – “We can never cease to be ourselves.” 2. Simone Weil – “Imagination and fiction make up more than three quarters of our real life.” 3. Samuel Johnson – “No mind is much employed upon the present: recollection and anticipation fill up almost all our moments.” 4. Charles Dickens – “If seeing is believing, not seeing is believing too.” In the introduction you must identify the statement you have chosen (e.g. by Conrad) and then clearly and concisely articulate your understanding of the statement. In the following paragraphs, you must directly examine how the work you have chosen demonstrates the truth OR falsehood OR ambiguity of the statement. You are permitted to put together any ONE of the four statements with any ONE of the two primary texts. You may select ANY of the poems in The Collected Poems of George Whalley. Your introduction will be no longer than 300 words and your conclusion no more than 50 words. (10% will be deducted if these limits are exceeded). Do NOT repeat anything from your introduction in your conclusion (10% will be deducted). Use the conclusion to raise questions that arise from your comments and/or to point out possible directions for additional exploration. Long quotations of 20 or more words do not count towards the total word count for the paper. Please review the document “Incorporating Quotations” published on the course websit
