You are to create a personal, reflective portfolio of written work and supporting evidence that demonstrates meaningful engagement with the process of finding and securing a graduatelevel placement role. You must use a recognised model of reflection to shape the reflective writing sections. It is acceptable to write in the first person.
Introduction – briefly outline the Portfolio’s contents and structure and ‘set the scene’ for the reader.
Section 1 - identify up to two placement goals and then fully justify your choice(s), analysing and synthesising the range of sources of information that have guided your decision-making. Then, reflect on your choice of placement goals, incorporating the following areas as a minimum:
a) the type of role(s) you are seeking and why;
b) your preferred sector/industry and why, and
c) what part of the UK you wish to work in, and why.
In the Appendix, include evidence of the activities you have completed which support or underpin your choice(s) of placement goal. Evidence might include (but is not restricted to): completion of the CV-builder and Prospects Career Planner; completion of the Skills Selfassessment; a Personal SWOT; attendance at the FBL Placement Fair and/or Employability Fair or other employer liaison activities.
Section 2 - with your identified skills / knowledge in mind, critically evaluate your own engagement in the range of personal and professional development activities available to you to help you reach your goal(s). Then, reflect on how the feedback / outcomes of these activities influenced your subsequentperformance in trying to achieve your placement goal(s).
In the Appendix, include evidence of the personal and professional development activities you have completed, and the feedback received over time. Evidence might include (but is not restricted to): proof of development of your online presence; evidence of attending mock or real interviews; communication with organisations or prospective employers; applications you have made; volunteering activities; completion of the Changemaker Life Hack; practicing psychometric tests or other activities you have done to fill identified skills-gaps, plus the associated feedback.
Section 3 – critically reflect on, analyse and evaluate how your own decision-making processes and skills have changed over recent weeks in relation to seeking a placement role in the UK.
In the Appendix, include evidence (screenshots) of your weekly reflective journal demonstrating how your decision-making processes and skills have altered.
The learning outcomes that are being assessed in this assessment are:
On successful completion of the module, with minimal guidance, you will be able to...
a) Identify, analyse and synthesise information from a range of sources, in order to contextualise and reflect upon own placement goals.
b) Critically reflect on, analyse and evaluate own placement decision-making processes and skills, through engagement with structured and ongoing reflection.
c) Critically evaluate own engagement in personal and professional development activities, synthesising feedback in relation to own performance.
Your grade will depend on the extent to which you meet these learning outcomes in the way relevant for this assessment. Please see the grading rubric at the end of this assessment brief for further details of the criteria against which you will be assessed.