Please submit a single pdf or docx file with your worked answers following the guidance provided in the folder “May 2020 Exam Guidance”. If possible, please name your answer file following the format
Please indicate the questions that you have attempted in the first page of your file.
You must submit your single file using the Turnitin link labelled “Paper exam submission - May 2020” in the Paper Exam Submission folder.
Electronic Management of Assessment (EMA): Your answer to this exam will be submitted electronically via Turnitin. You will find a Turnitin link on your module’s eLP site.
You have a 24-hour window from the release of the alternative exam in which to submit your answer (via Turnitin).
You do not have to do the exam as soon as it is released, however, it is recommended that you only spend the time allocated for the length of the exam, for example, you spend 3 hours answering a 3-hour exam.
There is a maximum page limit for the total exam answer (see Page limits below), but this is a maximum limit, and you do not have to reach the maximum word limit if you do not need to.
You can use your textbooks and study materials (e.g. lecture notes, seminar preparation) in answering the exam questions, but to avoid plagiarism you should reference all quotes (see Academic Misconduct below).
An answer for an exam that is submitted after the published submission deadline as set out above, without approval, will be regarded as not having been completed. A mark of zero will be awarded for the assessment.
The usual rule that applies to coursework and gives students a 10% penalty where work is submitted up to 24 hours after the published hand-in deadline does NOT apply here. Any exam answer submitted after the deadline is an automatic fail.
Where a student exceeds this limit, the marker will stop reading when they judge that the work exceeds the limit and will indicate on the text where they stop reading. A mark will only be awarded for content up to this point.
Please note this is a maximum page limit, you do not have to use all the permitted pages in your answers.
The Academic Regulations for Taught Awards (ARTA) states that students are expected to observe University regulations which define and proscribe cheating, plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct.
The University Academic Misconduct Policy is set out in the Regulations and Procedures applying to cheating, plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct and is available at:
In submitting this assessment, you are agreeing with the following statement: I have neither received nor given any unauthorized assistance on this assessment’.
You are reminded that plagiarism, collusion and other forms of academic misconduct as referred to in the regulations and procedures are taken very seriously by the University. Exams in which evidence of plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct is found may receive a mark of zero.