COU292 e RESEARCH METHODS IN COUNSELLING T utor -Marked A ssignment JULY 2021 Presentation COU292e Tutor -Marked Assignment SINGAPORE UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (SUSS) Page 2 of 3 TUTOR -MARKED ASSIGNMENT (TMA) This assignment is worth 40% of the final mark for COU292 e Research Methods in Counselling. The word limit of this assignment is strictly 2500 words. Please use Times New Roman , ...
PrefaceBefore you start this project, please be sure that you have completed all of the following activities.Read the project all the way through before starting. For example, there are some suggestions in the last section.Complete all reading and watch all videos for Modules 1, 2, and 3. Ensure that you understand number systems, codes, Boolean logic, and combinational logic circuits and that you are familiar with Logisim.Note the grading pol...
DescriptionObjective: Design and test a simple 8-bit Microprocessor (SMP8). Given: Instruction set : description of instructions, formats, opcodes, type of on-chip memories, type and number of registers. Design hints. Also refer to a single-cycle MIPS design. I. Description The SMP8 is an 8-bit processor (instructions and data are 8-bit length). SMP8 has one 8-bit general purpose register, R, and an 8-bit Accumulator Regis...
Question 1 (70 marks)In Week 5, you learned about adders and the Manchester carry chain (MC2), which is used to speed up the propagation of the carry signal in the carry-bypass and carry-select adders. For this question, you will analyze the design of an adder/subtractor that takes as inputs two 128-bit signed integers (A and B) and generates an output that is 129-bit wide (128 sum bits plus the final carry-out). For this question, assume that...
Advantages and Disadvantages of 3028 AccelerometerYou are designing an engine control system. One of the control inputs for this system is the vibration level of the engine. You have selected a Measurement Specialties 3028 accelerometer (±10g version). Its datasheet is available on the ELEC6208 course website. You need to design a circuit to interface with it, amplify the signal, filter out unwanted vibration frequencies, and in...
Question: Mini project on Steady State Visual Evoked Potential (SSVEP) SSVEP is the response of the brain when visualising flashing objects and recorded using electroencephalogram (EEG) in the visual cortex. SSVEP response will resonate at the same frequency of the flashing object that the user gazes upon. So, if a block flashes at 10 Hz, the SSVEP response would also have a frequency component at 10 Hz. Here, the data is from one user who lo...
QuestionsOBJECTIVES:To understand the basic characteristics of operational amplifiers.To calculate and measure the gain of an operational amplifier circuit.Design an amplifier circuit and verify its validity using an oscilloscope.  MATERIAL REQUIRED:BreadboardDC Power SuppliesGW Instek 1830 D power supplyGW Instek GPS3303 Power Supply or similarDigital Multimeter (DMM)uA741 Op-amp1K-ohm Resistors10 K-ohm resistor &Ac...
7 ASSIGNMENT 4: TRAFFIC LIGHTS Design a program to run the traffic lights to the following criteria: The RED light is to be ON for 8 seconds The GREEN light is to be ON for 8 seconds The YELLOW light is to be ON for 4 seconds The DON’T WALK light is to be ON when the RED light is ON The WALK light is to be ON when the GREEN light is ON When the Green light has been on for 4 seconds, the WALK light is to turn OFF, and the DON’T WALK light is t...
Aim: In this assignment, you will use MATLAB (R2020b release or later) to design, implement, and test a communication system consisting of a channel coder, modulator, demodulator, and channel decoder. What to submit: Your coursework must be submitted as a report in Word format to Turnitin. Your MATLAB codes must be provided as text (not pictures) and included as appendices at the end of the report. All code lines must be commented to explain them...
Question 1: Spring and dampers: series and parallel ConstructionThe following four exercises are the assessment for the Simulink/Simscape part of this module. Together they represent 20% of the mark for this module. Each question carries 5%. Before answering them, you should make sure you have completed the onramp courses for Simulink and for Simscape. Answers are expected for all four questions. You should create a Word document to act as a log...
Project RequirementsInput files are posted on eLearning, which includes(a) & data1.out(b) � The Midterm project aims to build a behavior model for MSDAP application by using Hardware Description Language (HDL). The combination of homework 6 and homework 7 should give you a good shape of this project. You may review the description of homework 6 and homework 7. The system diagra...
Assessment Task Details and InstructionsDevelop and evaluate a suite of speech signal analysis plugins. These plugins should give the features or characteristics of speech segments in the time and frequency domains. The suite should give at least two time-domain features (e.g. RMS values, peak, ZCR, etc.) More features (up to 4) may help achieve higher marks. In the frequency domain, the suite should give a straightforward FFT spectrum and a p...
Basic Requirements The ability to understand advanced design methodologies and the issues associated with contemporary implementation technologies The ability to analyse the requirements and design advanced electronic circuits to perform complex analogue and digital functions Assignment: Performance Analysis of linear regulator circuits using In this assignment you will be required to use NI Multisim or similar to simulate electronic c...
Completed Link BudgetUltra KaSat is a new high throughput satellite dedicated to deliver broadband access to rural and suburban areas in France. BroadNet is an ISP located in Paris, has negotiated a deal with Ultra KaSat and found suitable installers for the equipment which it intends to deploy in areas that do not have good service quality via ADSL. Potential users of the service have asked the ISP to explain the quality of service...
Problem 1: Designing a Bandlimited M-ary Modulation System over an AWGN Channel using Simulink1. You are requested to design a bandlimited M-ary modulation system over an AWGN channel as shown in the following block diagram using Simulink.The center (or carrier) frequency is set to fc=0Hz for simplicity. The other system parameters such as bit rate ...