1) Work handed in up to five working days late will be given a maximum Grade of Low Third whilst work that arrives more than five working days will be given a mark of zero.
Work will only be accepted beyond the five working day deadline if satisfactory evidence, for example, an NEC is provided. Any issues requiring NEC https://ntu.ac.uk/current_students/resources/student_handbook/appeals/index.html
2) The University views plagiarism and collusion as serious academic irregularities and there are a number of different penalties which may be applied to such offences. The Student Handbook has a section on Academic Irregularities, which outlines the penalties and states that plagiarism includes: 'The incorporation of material (including text, graph, diagrams, videos etc.) derived from the work (published or unpublished) of another, by unacknowledged quotation, paraphrased imitation or other device in any work submitted for progression towards or for the completion of an award, which in any way suggests that it is the student's own original work.
Such work may include printed material in textbooks, journals and material accessible electronically for example from web pages.' Collusion includes: “Unauthorised and unacknowledged copying or use of material prepared by another person for use in submitted work. This may be with or without their consent or agreement to the copying or use of their work.” If copied with the agreement of the other candidate both parties are considered guilty of Academic Irregularity. Penalties for Academic irregularities range from capped marks and zero marks to dismissal from the course and termination of studies.
3) To help you avoid plagiarism and collusion, you are permitted to submit your work once to a separate drop box entitled “Draft report” to view both the matching score and look at what areas are affected. It is then down to you to make any changes needed. Turnitin cannot say if something has been plagiarised or not. Instead it highlights matches between your text and other Turnitin content. There is no Good or Bad score, it depends on the piece of work. Overall when you look at the work, put yourself in the place of the marker. Is a lot of the work highlighted so it does not really look like the author’s work? If so, then you need to work on it some more.
For more help, use these links (Plagiarism Support and Turnitin support) to book time with staff and students to help with.
Read the scenario in Section II, which is a description of the current system, excerpts from the business plan. Your aim as a system analyst is to propose your analysing of a new to-be information system, based on (but not necessarily limited to) the described manual or semi-automated processes. You are encouraged to suggest improvements (including justifications). Deliver a report based on the following deliverable tasks. A single Word file (not any other format) is to be submitted. No word count is to be considered.
In your report describe your role as a system analyst throughout the SDLC. Given the current scenario, select a suitable system development methodology to implement an information system. Justify your answer by comparing your selected methodologies with more than two other methodologies.
Choose the suitable requirement gathering technique(s) to ascertain user needs. Discuss and justify your choice(s). You do not need to actually apply your chosen technique. Instead, based on your understanding of the scenario, create a requirement definition statement, i.e., a grouped and prioritised list of functional and non-functional requirements.
Create a UML use case diagram for the new system. Selecting two major use cases, create a use case description sheet for each of the selected use cases.
Identify the system’s main flow of activities. The results are to be represented as a UML activity diagram.
Identify the existing objects and classes, their attributes and operations. Draw a UML class diagram showing the identified classes, attributes and methods (operations). The diagram should also include relationships and multiplicities.