On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
1.Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of UX/UI design principles and techniques and evaluate their usefulness in the design and development of interactive interfaces.
2.Identify and evaluate usability, accessibility, professional and ethical standards relating to the design and development of interactive systems.
3.Demonstrate an ability to design, test and evaluate interfaces using UX design principles.
For the purposes of gathering the necessary information I will make use of a qualitative research which explores things in a natural setting. It “involves the studied use and collection of a variety of empirical materials - case study, personal experience, introspective, life story, interview…” (Denzin and Lincoln 1994:
According to Unger and Chandler (2012) the UX designer role is to help the project team understand the business-related context of the project. One way to achieve this is by site visiting during which the designer holds workshops or interviews with the future users to better understand the expectations and user needs and roles.
Questionnaire will be produced in order to conduct interviews for the users.
The aim of using a questionnaire is to collect information on a specific subject area by using a set of questions. These set of questions form a questionnaire that can be qualitative or quantitative in nature. There are two types of questions: open-ended and close-ended questions.
User stories are short statements that identify the user and their needs and goals. They capture the common processes the users are going to perform on the product, and they help to document the practical information about the users.
These are some user stories developed based on the user personas in the previous stage.
- As a customer service adviser, I want to be able to open customers transaction history and export it without waiting.
- As a customer service adviser, I want to check customers’ account balance in two clicks.
- As a bank project manager, I want to check customers’ regular money in and money out in two to three clicks.
- As a bank project manager, I want to be able to check multiple on-screen products compared side by side, so I can be up to date when discussing products with clients.
Bank Product Manager Additional Questions
What conditions are you working in?
Which one is the easiest tasks to perform when using the online banking application?
What’s something you would prefer to skip?
How do you know that a product has been designed well?
What would you improve about the online banking services?
What technical skills are required for your job position?
How do you find navigating through the current products listed in the market place?
How fast does it take you to check customers regular money in or out and extracting
that information so that you can offer them a suitable product?
She does not like waiting.
- She has good knowledge of Microsoft Excel and Word.
- She gets frustrated when she can’t serve customers with the necessary information.
- Always doing her best.
- She possesses excellent listening skills.
- Very friendly.
- She gets anxious by using new and complicated technology. Responsibilities: Goals:
- Engaging with a wide range of customers over the telephone.
- Identifying suitable products and making recommendations to suit customers’ requirements.
- Assisting customers with their essential everyday needs
- Offering a professional, caring, consistent and outstanding level of customer service.
- Helping customers transfer funds.