1.The coursework should be your own work and should be properly type-written in your own words. Marks will be reduced for the typo-errors and missing units. The assignment will be checked for plagiarism using TURN-IT-IN software. Any plagiarism or copying from others will be dealt through the university’s plagiarism procedures. Similarity (plagiarism) level higher than 10% is highly suspicious.
2. The whole report should be plus any relevant material. Any references to materials should be given in standard Harvard or Vancouver form.
3. Your assignment must be submitted electronically via blackboard by the submission time or before. The report should be contained in a Word document or pdf document. No other means of submission will be accepted.
4. Drawings can be done by hand or electronically. They can either be scanned / copied into your Word or pdf document.
5. Any assignment submitted late, but within 5 working days of the deadline, will be given a maximum mark of 50%. Assignments submitted more than 5 working days after the deadline will not be marked, and a mark of 0% will be recorded.
1.Able to communicate effectively on material selection with material scientists
2. Able to understand the implications of different modes of material failure
3. To understand the effects of composition and heat treatment on the properties of different types of material
4. To select materials to minimise the likelihood of component failure
Materials properties that are available for ranking materials are: density (ρ); Yield strength (σy); Critical stress intensity factor or fracture toughness of the material . You will need to decide your own dimensions, extra constraints and find out the equations for yielding, buckling and fast fracture of the pressure vessel. In order to translate the right material selection for the food processing application into a real engineering problem you need to answer the following questions:
(i) Cylindrical shaped pressure vessel with both ends opened
(a) Translation of problem indicating function, objective, constraints and free variables?
(b) Derive the performance material index for failure.
(c) Discuss the implication of two performance index i.e., due to yielding and fast fracture for the selection of one material. Find the coupling line by making equal the cost calculated with the two indexes.
(d) Use CES EDUPack to create a graph representing the material index and identify the region of the chart with the cheapest materials for the pressure vessel due to yielding and fast fracture material index.
(ii) Spherical shaped pressure vessel
(e) Translation of problem indicating function, objective, constraints and free variables?
(f) Derive the performance material index for failure.
(g) Use CES Edupack (Rebranded as GRANTA EDUPACK 2020) to create a graph representing the material index and identify the region of the chart with the cheapest materials for the for the pressure vessel due to fast fracture material index.
(i) List and mark out the single phase regions;
(ii) Highlight the four eutectoids in the copper-tin system,
(iii) List out the compositions and temperatures of the eutectoids.
(iv) Discuss with help of simple sketch along with an example of the phase diagram (binary system) in which PERITECTIC REACTION AND PERITECTIC POINT, reaction occur during the phase transformation of metals. Describe the phase reaction and the corresponding temperature for the selected example.
(d) Compare and contrast the main features of diffusive and displacive transformations during structural changes in metals.
Houses in UK uses cast iron or steel guttering and this gutter material is prone to corrosion over time as shown in Figure Q – 4.
(i) To prevent the mild sheet-steel guttering from corrosion it is copper-plated and the guttering acts as a drain for sea water. If the coating is damaged, exposing the steel, will the guttering corrode in a damaging way?
(ii) If instead the guttering is zinc-plated, will it be better or less well protected?