The resit coursework is a summative assignment that includes three different assignments.Every assignment is undertaken individually by each student (i.e. no group work).
Each student is responsible for three assignments. They must submit a report as well as PowerPoint presentation file for each assignment. Use pdf format for both.
PowerPoint presentations are also required. However, only slides to be submitted as pdf at the end of each assignment submission (no oral presentation required).
Students will write an INDIVIDUAL report related to each assignment. Explanations must be given regarding modelling decisions, interesting features and results.
Graphical diagrams with values should be included instead of registers provided by the software. A set of recommendations and conclusions should be drawn from the analysesperformed and clearly stated in the submission.
The extent of each individual report is limited to a maximum of 20 pages per assignment (other materials such as printouts of data from software output – if needed with goodjustification for inclusion - should be included as Appendix and not part of the main body of the report). The extent of each PowerPoint presentation is limited to 50 slides. Synthesis inthe submission is expected.
The assignments are about three different topics:
- Structural Analysis of building structures (using StaadPro software)
- Structural Analysis of bridges (using StaadPro software)
- Non-linear finite-element analysis (using ADINA software)
Students are expected to use in this module the computer software installed in the computers Lab (i.e. and ADINA). These can also be accessed remotelyvia AppStream as follows:
StaadPro can be downloaded free of charge, see download instructions in Moodle. There is also a free version of ADINA, link on Moodle, but this is for learning and has limits on node numbers. You can access the full version of ADINA on the university system via AppStream.
Assessment based on: Technical quality of the presentation,
Highlighting key points, Creativity, Findings and conclusions
Effort and competence, Individual additional work, Understanding and Critical assessment