Academic Integrity (AI)
Academic misconduct is unacceptable and includes plagiarism, collusion and cheating:
• plagiarism: involves the use of another person’s work without full and clear referencing and acknowledgement;
• cheating: involves presenting another person’s work as your own — this includes contract cheating.
• collusion: is a specific type of cheating, that occurs when two or more students fail to abide by directions from the examiner regarding the permitted level of collaboration on an assessment.
All are seen by the University as acts of misconduct for which you can be penalised.
For further details go to the Library’s site on Academic Integrity.
1. Topic: Directories, files, and permissions. Ethics.
Tasks: Perform the following tasks, starting in your home directory.
1.1 (1 mark) Use the pwd command to show that the present working directory is the home directory, and then set the PS1 shell variable to your student number so that your shell prompt looks like this:
u12345678:=q1=> (if your student ID was u12345678)
1.2 (2 marks) Create the following directory structure, starting in your home directory. You may either create these 7 directories one by one, or use options and arguments to create multiple directories in one go.
(your home directory -- on the Course VM this is /home/usqstudent)
+--- csc2408a1
+--- q1
|.. +--- q1a
|.. +--- q1b
+--- q2
+--- q5
+--- fromgitea
Figure 1: Directory structure for Task 1.2
Note that the home directory will normally contain additional directories.
1.3 (2 marks) In your home directory, using the vim text editor, create a file called welcome.txt containing the following text:
This is USQ Computing course CSC2408 Software Development Tools in S1 2022.
After exiting vim, use the more command to show the content of the file.
1.4 (1 mark) Without changing your current working directory, move the welcome.txt file to the csc2408a1/q1a directory.
1.5 (1 mark) Make a copy of the file welcome.txt called q1b.txt in the directory q1b.
1.6 (2 marks) Using symbolic notation (eg o+x), set permissions on the file q1a/ welcome.txt so that the owner has read write and execute permissions; the group has only read and write permissions, and everyone else have no permissions.
1.7 (2 marks) Using octal notation (eg 777), set the permissions on the directory q1b so that the owner can read the files in the directory, can read file contents in the directory, but cannot create or delete files in the directory. Set permissions for the qroup and everyone else have no permission.
1.8 (1 mark) Using the tree utility with the right options (check the man pages first), output the directory structure shown in Figure 1, starting from your home directory.
The output should show the directory tree only; i.e., without showing the files contained in the directories.
1.9 (2 marks) Create file ethics.txt in directory q1, using either vim or nano. In it, explain (in a short paragraph not exceeding 100 words) why a System Administrator with root priveleges should abide by a professional code of conduct. Ensure that your response refers to the filesystem’s file permissions feature. After exiting the text editor, show the content of the file using cat.
1.10 (1 mark) Use the wc utility to show that the file ethics.txt contains fewer than 100 words. Don’t show the number of newlines nor the number of bytes.