Professional career development skills are very important in all industries, both to you as a graduate looking to develop yourself and help you to demonstrate to potential employers your employability.
Task 1 - Role play
Student pairs will present in online role plays (using MS Teams) facilitated by your lecturer, acting as both interviewee and interviewer for a role linked to their personal ambition .
Each will complete an application form based on a job description and person specification for their chosen job and exchange it with their partner who will formulate 5 questions to ask as interviewer (plus inviting the interviewee to ask any question after the 5). Each interview will last no more than 10 minutes,so that each student will role play interviewer and interviewee.
Where a student is unable to find someone to pair with, the tutor will arrange it so that the student will be able to do the task. Where a student is not happy with the co-operation of their partner, they must report this to their tutor no later than 2 weeks before the presentation.
The role play of both interviewer and interviewee will be the subject of a substantial piece of reflective writing to be incorporated into Task 2 under ‘Recruitment and Selection’. It is therefore important to start making notes on the process from the beginning of the Task 1 project.
The questions asked as interviewer and the Application Form completed as applicant (interviewee) for Task 1 must be uploaded as appendices to the Task 2 Report.
Task 2 – Report
Students will write a report, containing a personal reflection on the role play and career development planning, demonstrating an understanding of the skills and knowledge which contribute toward working effectively, their readiness for employment, an understanding of personal strengths and areas for further development, as well as establishing their employment goals and develop a personal action plan/development plan.
The role play of both interviewer and interviewee will be the subject of a substantial piece of reflective writing to be incorporated into Task 2 under ‘Recruitment and Selection’ where you are expected to allocate for this section within the report, and applying an appropriate reflective cycle such as Kolb or Gibbs. Please note this is meant to be written from a personal perspective, with a focus on your own skills and skills gaps, your own career goals and your own experience. However, references to relevant external literature are also required.