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Annotated Bibliography for Qualitative and Quantitative Research Articles on Evidence-Based Nursing

Performing and summarizing the search strategy

Provide an annotated Bibliography of two primary research articles: one Qualitative and one Quantitative This assessment task is part 1 of the two assessments towards developing your theoretical and practical understanding of evidence-based practice You are required to engage in a literature search and submit an annotated bibliography (1,000 words).

In order to meet your learning outcomes, you will need to choose one from the following themes:
• Infection Control
• Hydration and Nutrition
• Person-centered Care
• Communication

Once you have a chosen theme, identify two research articles from a peer reviewed journal related to nursing practice that highlights an area of practice that links to the themes above. One article must be based on QUALITATIVE and another QUANTITATIVE research methods. The article you select MUST be primary research published with in last 5 years (systematic reviews /opinions/ literature reviews are not allowed).

Essay structure Guidelines
1. Introduction (150) an introduction generally need to answer these 3 questions.
a. What? The introduction must begin by clearly explaining what the essay is about. This section needs to explain in your own words what is required in the assignment brief given above.
b. How? The second part of the introduction need to outline how the essay is structured You need to summaries the details given in point 2 below.
c. Why? An introduction needs to articulate why the topic under consideration is of significance.

a. Explain what evidence-based practice is and its importance in nursing
b. Provide an evidence-based rationale for your chosen theme and its relevance to nursing practice.
3. Perform and summaries the search strategy (in narrative / full sentences) where relevant (200 words)
a. Identify the key concepts.
b. Sources searched with rationale i.e., databases.
c. Boolean operators used.
d. Truncation used for the search.
e. limiters used for the search with rationale
f. Inclusion criteria with rationale.
g. Exclusion criteria with rationale.
h. Terms used for the search.
i. Total articles search and describe how you obtained two primary research articles for annotated bibliography?

a. Citation details (set out in the same style as an UWL Harvard referencing listSee Cite them Right for referencing guide)
b. A short statement that explains the main focus or purpose of the research paper
c. Briefly discuss the usefulness and/or limitations of the paper (e.g. reliability of the text, limitations of the paper, credibility of the author)
d. An evaluative comment on the paper that may take into account how the findings will improve nursing practice and benefit patient care.

a. Citation details (set out in the same style as an UWL Harvard referencing listSee Cite them Right for referencing guide)
b. A short statement that explains the main focus or purpose of the research paper
c. Briefly discuss the usefulness and/or limitations of the paper (e.g. reliability of the text, limitations of the paper, credibility of the author)
d. An evaluative comment on the paper that may take into account how the findings will improve nursing practice and benefit patient care.

a. Summary. Summarise the key learning points that have emerged from your discussion above.
b. Recommendations. Make recommendations on what needs to be done in light of your findings and conclusions.
