The Role of Macronutrients in Health: Draft Report Outline
This assessment is aimed at developing the student’s understanding of the macronutrients and the role they play in human metabolism.
For this assignment (Part A), the student will develop a draft for the final report, focusing on report structure and content outline.
- The draft plan clearly defines the focus of the report, to express their ideas in a clear and logical manner, preparing for the final report product.
- The draft plan outlines the structure of an academic report, specific to the macronutrients, in order to develop their academic writing skills.
- The draft plan provides some examples of research to be utilised in the final report product, to develop their skills in sourcing and identifying reliable and credible information.
Students are to discuss all of the macronutrients and construct a draft for an academic report on these macronutrients; The Role of Macronutrients in Health.
For this assessments, students should be including the following features:
- The macronutrients to be discussed including brief description
- The overall structure of the report, including all headings and sub?headings
- A minimum of three (3) resources which will be used in the final report
and should include the following:
- The composition of the macronutrients
- Recommended Daily Intake (RDI)
- Factors contributing to states of excess
- Factors contributing to states of insufficiency and deficiency