Title: Basic Network and Firewall Connectivity & Initial Testing
This exercise consists of building a virtual small-business network to support Beta Corp.’s international operations. Their network consists of an 1) administrative client, 2) a corporate client, 3) a pfSense firewall, and 4) a server. The “server” required for this exercise is simply an Ubuntu desktop VM for simplicity’s sake. If you can do this on an Ubuntu Desktop machine, you should be able to do it on a Linux-based server as well.
In this exercise, you will configure the pfSense router/firewall such that the administrative client is able to access the server’s administrative services across the network. The “normal” corporate client will have different permissions. Both will access the single, remote server – but in different ways. During this exercise, you will construct firewall rules for a pfSense router/firewall as part of a strategy to protect resources.
Beta Corp. is small software development consulting firm. Their regular corporate users are on one subnet and their IT department traffic is on another subnet. Both are routed through a FreeBSD (pfSense) router/firewall, and then to their multi-function server. As this small firm relies on a single server to provide all necessary services, security is of great importance. It is your job to properly configure the firewall such that the firm’s resources are properly protected and their critical services are functional.
This lab requires 3 Ubuntu Linux virtual machines and 1 pfSense virtual machine. Note that you will need
Internet access while you download software onto the Ubuntu machines. I recommend:
Admin Client
Configure the Admin Client’s Network Settings:
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto enp0s3
iface enp0s3 inet static
post-up ip route add default via
(you should see the network interface with the IP & netmask you set above)
Use the following command to view the routing table: ip route
sudo nano /etc/hosts
Append the following line to this file and save it web-server
Corporate Client
Configure the Corporate Client’s Network Settings:
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto enp0s3
iface enp0s3 inet static
post-up ip route add default via
ip a (you should see the network interface with the IP & netmask you set above)