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Impact of Healthy Diet and Lifestyle on Preventing Urinary Tract Infection among Elderly Adults


It has been determined that asymptomatic bacteriuria and urinary tract infection are usual among the elder adults. It has been reported that one-third of infection which occurs among the patient admitted in nursing home is UTI which enhances the long term hospital stay.The below paper will discuss about the impact the healthy diet and lifestyle in lowering the jeopardy of emerging UTI.

Reason for choosing research topic.It is evident that the danger of rising UTI is higher among older adults and untreated conditions might result in the development of serious health issues including sepsis and permanent kidney damage.The incidence of developing urinary tract infection is found to vary with gender and age and the prevalence of infection is found to vary from 0.07 per person per year to 0.13 per person-year among the older grownups above the age of 85.

The augmented risk of emerging UTI among the older grownups occurs due to physiological changes in thebody such as the urine production is found to increase while the capacity of the bladder decreases and the threshold of the urinary tract also lowers which ultimately enhances the jeopardy of rising urinary tract infection among older women.The other issues which alsoenhance the risk of developing the infection includes excessive exposure to different bacteria during the hospital,alteration in the immune system of the body, poor health condition,previous history of UTI and lastly alteration in the body.

Hence in thiscase proper evidence related to the diet and healthy lifestyle is essential to understand the risk of developing infection among the patient admitted in the hospital.“In elderly  patients  over 65 years  old residing in an institution  with greater susceptibility to urinary tract infections (UTI), what are the health conditions and lifestyles of those patients diagnosed with a UTI compared to those without UTI within two years’timespan?”Elderly people above the age of 65years residing in an institution setting.Intervention Healthy condition and lifestyle Comparison With UTI Outcome Compared to those without UTI

The search strategies which are used for collecting papers includes-“UTI AND Older adults”,Elderly population AND UTI Healthy Lifestyle AND UTI Diet AND UTI in older adult.

The search database which is used for collecting paper are-“NCBI”,“Google Scholar”,“Elsevier”.The paper published between 2018 to 2021 is included in the study.Evidence Maria et al.executed a study for defining the influence of malnutrition and the risk of developing UTI amongst elder adults residing in residential care amenities.Here,in this case the incident of urinary tract infection was 460/1000 person-year where 30.8% of the incident was found to be prevalent in women and the men reported to have 16.5%.The study also determined that other commodities which are also associated among patients and upsurge the risk of emerging UTI includes heart failure,dementia,hypertension.The study highlighted that malnutrition is not the single factor for developing UTI. Other health conditions such as hypertension,cognitive impairment and heart failure increases the risk of developing the condition.Burman highlighted that obesity and malnutrition are two can conditions which increases the risk of developing infection.

The result of the study clearly highlighted that it is essential to conduct a proper nutritional screening for the older adult as malnutrition is one of the factors which increases the risk of developing urinary tract infection which is related to BMI. Pizzol et all highlighted that the urinary incontinence is related with lower quality of life and a risk of urinary tract infection enhances due to lack of proper physical activity among the older adult which triggers the development of depression.Hence in this case it is clearly determined that the older adults residing in residential care facilities suffer from urinary tract infection mostly due to lack of proper lifestyle or other health conditions.

A proper health assessment must be done especially for the older adults which will be beneficial for determining other comorbidities and preventing the risk of developing UTI.This will also lower the length of hospital stay of the older adult.


The above paper discussed about the incidence of UTI and health condition.The incidence of developing urinary tract infection is found to vary with gender and age and the prevalence of infection is found to vary from 0.07 per person per year to 0.13 per person-year among the older grownups above the age of 85. Lastly,the paper presented evidence for determining the association between UTI and health condition.
