Indicating Why These Recommendations Would Work Best?
Which Area Of The Company Would You Recommend Do What By When And In What Order For The Organization To Reach The Recommended Goals? Include Estimated Timelines And Resources That May Be Needed. Use Smart As a Standard: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time Bound.
The first and foremost step that need to be followed by the management of Nike is to offer equal pay to the fresh joiners to the organization across all the market places where the organization possess a presence. This will help the female employees to motivate or encourage so that they can give their best and improve the overall productivity of this business entity through their individual performances (García-Izquierdo, Ramos-Villagrasa & Castaño, 2015). It can be stated that gender discrimination is a common harassment that is faced by the women in many organizations, which includes pregnancy discrimination, sexual harassment and unequal payment done to the women mainly to the multinational organizations like Nike. This need to be stopped with efficient workforce planning.
The second step that need to be followed is to overhaul the payment structures and policies of the company. This will help to attract more female to the organization and have more female employees to the organization in comparison to male employees. It can be said that the main complaint of female employees of the organization of Nike was unequal pay along with sexual harassment that has been done on them within the working environment of Nike. Payment disparities has also been faced by the management of Nike in earlier cases, where women are offered lesser payment along with lower bonuses and increments. It can be noted that female in current days possess equal right in terms of payment, increment and bonuses. In this context, it can be stated that Nike is one such company, where four women has filed a federal lawsuit against the management of this globally reputed company (Chen, Lou & Xu, 2013).
The third and final step that need to be followed by the organization of Nike is to design strict action plans or policies against any kind of harassment to the female employees or colleagues. Formulation as well as implementation of severe rules and regulations will help to reduce the number of sexual harassments to the female employees and can safeguard and encourage them to work properly and efficiently (Ferrant, 2016). Team functioning needs to be properly followed in the organization of Nike.
The action plan will be evaluated through SMART objective, which is described as follows:
Specific – The human resource department of Nike needs to be re-designed with fresh and strict recruitment policies for female employees need to be followed.
Measurable – The actions of male employees against the female employees will be watched and measured and increments of the male employees will also depend on their behaviours towards their female colleagues.
Achievable – Resources like efficient and strict zero tolerance policies will help to achieve the female safety in the organization of Nike.
Realistic – Realistic approaches towards all the terms and policies of Nike need to be followed and implemented within the business operations of this company globally.
Time bound – All the behaviours need to be measured on monthly basis and all the plans will be in action 365 days a year and across all the market places where Nike operates (Munin, 2013).
Chen, D., Lou, H., & Xu, H. (2013, May). Gender Discrimination towards Borrowers in Online P2PLending. In WHICEB (p. 55).
Ferrant, G. (2016). Does gender discrimination in social institutions matter for long-term growth? Cross-country evidence.
García-Izquierdo, A. L., Ramos-Villagrasa, P. J., & Castaño, A. M. (2015). e-Recruitment, gender discrimination, and organizational results of listed companies on the Spanish Stock Exchange. Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 31(3), 155-164.
Munin, N. (2013). NGOs, Multinational Enterprises and Gender Equality in Labor Markets: A Political Economy of Conflicting Interests?. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (1947-2900), 5(1).