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Entrepreneur Interview Assignment - Small Business Management

Introduction and Purpose

Entrepreneur Interview Assignment
1. You are to identify an entrepreneur to interview. The person should have started and currently manage a small business (less than 100 employees). This person may not be a member of your family. Let the person know you are interviewing them for a college class on Small Business Management. Do Not Use The Same Business For This Paper As Your Small Business Summary Assignment

2. You are to conduct an interview with this person using the questions below. Feel free to add questions to the interview as you see fit. Allow 1 hour for the interview. The interview can be done in person, online or over the phone.

3. You will write a 3-5 page paper about your experience. The paper should have a minimum of 750 words. Use 1” margins, 12 point font, double spacing, correct grammar, and American Psychological Association style for references. Do not abbreviate and do not use bullets. Use the cover sheet format for your paper at the end of the syllabus.

4. The paper should be in a summary style and NOT in a question and answer format. Rather, describe the interview in your own words but DO NOT provide a transcript of the conversation. Do not rely too heavily on quotes in your paper. 

5. This should be a networking opportunity for you. It will be practice for your own job interviews. It may also serve as career exploration.  Keep these things in mind as you complete the assignment.
Feel free to ask me if you have questions.

Use the following format to write your paper. Use these headings and include the items in each section.

I. Introduction and Purpose: Name and title of person, contact information, size of the organization, number of employees managed (if any), tenure in job, education, brief career path, organization, why you chose the person. 

II. Entrepreneurial History: How did you become an entrepreneur? Was it on purpose or by accident? Did you have any special training? Do you participate in ongoing training/education? What do you consider to be your strengths? What do you consider to be your weaknesses?

III. General Management Questions: What is your favorite part of your job as an entrepreneur? Why? What is your least favorite part of your as an entrepreneur? Why?  How do you motivate yourself? How do you motivate others? (if applicable)

IV. Functional Business Questions: What form does your business take? (sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation) How do you approach marketing? What is your target market? Do you advertise in-house or use a third party? Can you describe a recent advertising strategy that you used? How do you price your products or services? How do you manage inventory? How would you describe business ethics in your firm? How do you handle financing your business? How do you handle the accounting function? How do you handle the management of employees? (delegate or do it yourself) How do you handle human resource management? (hiring, firing, staffing, training) What is your approach to customer service? How do you manage supply and demand in the marketplace? Does your business have any unique policies? What do you consider to be your competitive advantage in the marketplace? Ask the person to elaborate on any of these areas if they choose, or another area. You may choose to ask follow up questions on a topic if interest. 

V. Other Questions: What is the best piece of career advice you were given? What advice would you give to college students today? What is the hardest lesson you have learned in the workplace? Feel free to add other questions here.

VI. Conclusion: Wrap up your thoughts about what you have learned. Describe how you feel the interview went. Is there anything you would have done differently if given another chance? How can you use this information going forward in your own career? Add other thoughts you have here.  

Be sure to thank the person for their time. Provide your contact information in case they want to follow up with you.
