BUS315 SolarCal Case Analysis
Describe your new company called Superstar Solar, Inc. Include specific details about the following in your description: The reason why your company was formed. Your company’s mission statement (what is the "why" for the work that you do). Your company’s vision statement (where you see the company's growth over the next three to five years). Your company’s solar power product. An overview of your key personnel. Note: Refer to your Week 3 Case Analysis on SolarCal for help on this overview. Your targeted client base. Note: Be specific. For example, instead of listing the government in general, you would focus on the Department of Agriculture. Describe SolarCal. Include specific details about the following in your description: The reason why SolarCal was formed. SolarCal’s mission statement (what is the "why" for the work that you do). SolarCal’s vision statement (where you see the company's growth over the next three to five years). SolarCal’s solar power product. An overview of SolarCal key personnel. Note: Refer to your Week 3 Case Analysis on SolarCal for help on this overview. SolarCal’s targeted client base. Note: Be specific. For example, instead of listing the government in general, you would focus on the Department of Agriculture. Pricing analysis methods when forecasting government expenses. Describe three types of pricing analysis methods that might be appropriate for SolarCal to use to forecast the prices of its products and services when contracting with the government. Select one of those three methods and provide rationale to support your choice. Be sure to include at least two reasons why you think that method is the best option. Describe three types of pricing analysis methods (Comparison of proposed prices, comparison of market prices, etc.) that your company will consider when forecasting prices. Select one of those three methods and provide rationale to support your choice. Be sure to include at least two reasons why you think that method is the best option. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment.