IST 618 Information Policy
1. The attached pdf file is an excerpt from the following book which provides hands on exercise on AnyLogic. You can down load the original book from:
Follow all the steps outlined in SEIR model in the attached pdf file Complete the exercise. Save the output of each step as print screen in a pdf file. Upload the AnyLogic output file and screen shots in a pdf file.
2. Implement the attached Vensim pedator-prey model in Excel using Euler’s method. Draw all the relevant plots including the phase plots. What is the effect time step? Upload the Excel file and screen shots in a pdf file.
3. (a) Implement the attached Vensim “Falling Body.mdl” model in Excel using Euler’s method. Draw all the relevant plots including the phase plots.
(b) Extend the Excel model assuming that the ball keeps bouncing back with 75% of its final dropping velocity. Draw all the relevant plots. Upload the Excel file and screen shots in a pdf file.
4. Implement the attached Vensim model for Production and Inventory in AnyLogic and run an Experimental Simulation of “Parameter Variation” on “Investment Rate” and “Production Capacity” as a result of variation of “SALES SCENARIO” parameter. Display the necessary plots. Upload the AnyLogic output file and screen shots in a pdf file.
5. Implement the following linear competing system in Excel: