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Exploring Criminological Theories with Reference to a Famous Criminal

Demographic Information

Criminologists are thoroughly schooled in conducting research to test existing and developing theories to explain why crime is committed. Examining historical accounts of convicted offenders is one way to examine information relevant to criminological theories. For this assignment, choose one “famous” criminal, such as a person listed on the Biography website Infamous Serial Killers. Use the information from the website to begin exploring factual information about the offender.


Consider how theories from this module may or may not explain their criminal activities. Include the following information in your paper: Demographic information on the offender, crimes committed, and outcomes of their crimes (i.e., arrested, executed, released). Briefly discuss their childhood or early upbringing, which could be significant in their actions. Explain which theory from this module could be used to provide some insights into why this person engaged in criminal activities. Discuss at least three offender facts that relate to the chosen theory to substantiate your theory choice. Address what the chosen theory misses in trying to explain the offender’s behaviors.


Provide examples of offender aspects that cannot be explained by the theory, but which may play a role in why this person engaged in the heinous crimes. Your paper should be 400 to 600 words (2 to 3 pages) in length and formatted in APA style. Use at least three references to assist you in providing objective and accurate information on the offender. If you chose a criminal from the Biography website, that will be your first reference. Other information sources may be in the form of books, documentaries, news accounts, interviews, research articles, and websites that are not opinion-based. Demographic information You provide insightful demographic information on the offender, crimes committed, and outcomes of their crimes. You provide relevant demographic information on the offender, crimes committed, and outcomes of their crimes. You provide superficial demographic information on the offender, crimes committed, and outcomes of their crimes. You provide inadequate demographic information on the offender, crimes committed, and outcomes of their crimes. null Childhood or early upbringing You adeptly discuss the offender's childhood or early upbringing, which could be significant in their actions. You briefly discuss the offender's childhood or early upbringing, which could be significant in their actions.


You loosely discuss the offender's childhood or early upbringing, which could be significant in their actions. You ineptly discuss the offender's childhood or early upbringing, which could be significant in their actions. null Theory You thoroughly explain which theory could be used to provide insights into why this person engaged in criminal activities, authoritatively discussing at least three offender facts that relate to the chosen theory to substantiate your choice. You satisfactorily explain which theory could be used to provide insights into why this person engaged in criminal activities, discussing at least three offender facts that relate to the chosen theory to substantiate your choice. You weakly explain which theory module could be used to provide insights into why this person engaged in criminal activities, vaguely discussing at least three offender facts that relate to the chosen theory to substantiate your choice. You carelessly explain which theory could be used to provide insights into why this person engaged in criminal activities, barely discussing at least three offender facts that relate to the chosen theory to substantiate your choice. null What the theory "misses" You expertly address what the theory "misses" in trying to explain the offender's behaviors, providing insightful examples of offender aspects that cannot be explained by the theory but that may play a role in why this person engaged in the heinous crimes. You capably address what the theory "misses" in trying to explain the offender's behaviors, providing examples of offender aspects that cannot be explained by the theory but that may play a role in why this person engaged in the heinous crimes. You haphazardly address what the theory "misses" in trying to explain the offender's behaviors, providing ambiguous examples of offender aspects that cannot be explained by the theory but that may play a role in why this person engaged in the heinous crimes. You incoherently address what the theory "misses" in trying to explain the offender's behaviors, providing illogical examples of offender aspects that cannot be explained by the theory but that may play a role in why this person engaged in the heinous crimes. null Content development You use carefully chosen, authoritative, and compelling content that demonstrates mastery of the subject; provide an advanced and thoughtful analysis of ideas; and present an in-depth synthesis of ideas demonstrating insight and interpretation. You use appropriate and relevant content that demonstrates sufficient command of the subject and provide a germane analysis of ideas. You use somewhat appropriate content that demonstrates limited command of the subject and/or provides a cursory analysis of ideas that lacks insight and interpretation. You use inappropriate and irrelevant content and/or provide little, if any, analysis. null Organization You lucidly organize material into well-formed paragraphs and arrange ideas logically to support the purpose of the paper; writing is fluid with an explicit focus and sensible structure. You logically organize material into well-formed paragraphs; writing has focus and structure. You loosely organize material and provide limited supporting detail; writing is somewhat disjointed and disorganized.


You incoherently organize material, often impairing the reader's ability to comprehend it; significant details are missing or irrelevant; writing is completely disjointed and lacks correct form and structure. null Evidence You support points and subpoints with abundant clarifying detail, include relevant and clearly attributed sources as necessary, and effectively link ideas; comprehensive evidence extends ideas and fully authenticates the purpose/thesis of the writing assignment or paper. You support points and subpoints with sufficient detail, attribute sources as necessary, and link ideas; evidence relates to the purpose/thesis of the writing assignment or paper. You support points and subpoints with limited detail and improperly link ideas at times; most evidence does not relate to the purpose/thesis of the writing assignment or paper. You inadequately support points and subpoints with irrelevant detail and do not properly link ideas; little, if any, evidence relates to the purpose/thesis of the writing assignment or paper. null Sources and documentation You clearly and effectively document sources of information with in-text citations linking to References at the end of the paper; format is complete and entirely accurate. You properly document sources of information with in-text citations linking to References at the end of the paper; format may include a few minor errors. You incompletely document sources of information with in-text citations linking to References at the end of the paper; format includes significant errors. You inadequately document sources of information with either in-text citations or References at the end of the paper; whatever documentation exists includes multiple and serious errors. null Mechanics You write in complete, well-constructed sentences with faultless grammar, word choice, punctuation, and spelling; writing is sharp, coherent, and demonstrates sophisticated clarity. You write in complete sentences with mostly correct grammar, word choice, punctuation, and spelling; minor errors may exist but do not compromise meaning. You write in unclear sentences with significant errors in grammar, word choice, punctuation, and spelling that may compromise meaning. You writes in incomplete, incomprehensible sentences filled with serious errors in grammar, word choice, punctuation, or spelling. null
