Provide the answers to the questions after careful reading and analysis of the case. Please make sure your answers are clear, crisp, and to the point. Please ensure that your learnings in the course are reflected in your discussion and answers.
1. Do you think the absence of a full-time CIO has had an impact on this acquisition project? Why or why not?
2. What steps should the CIO take to ensure that the capacity management system will be purchased and implemented? What do you see as the critical first step in this process? Why?
3. Discuss who you think should serve on the project steering committee. Who should serve as chair? Why?
4. At this point, what do you think is a realistic time frame for the implementation of the capacity management system? What steps can be taken to ensure the new timeline is met despite competing priorities?
1. What is your assessment of this situation? What are the physician group’s possible reasons for deciding to proceed on an independent path?
2. If you were the CEO, what steps would you take to bring the hospital and physician group IT plans back into alignment? Should the EHR effort proceed or wait until the CPOE initiative is complete? Should you require that both systems come from the same vendor? Explain your rationale.
3.The LWMC board is concerned that the physicians are being naive about the challenges of EHR implementation, have established no measurable goals for the system, and have only weak incentives to make the implementation successful. How would you address these concerns?
1. Would you suspend both organizations’ pursuit of a new system until an IT strategic plan for the merged organization has been developed? Why?
2. What steps would you take to integrate the system selection processes of the two organizations?
3. Implementing a practice management system is always challenging. What additional implementation risks are introduced by the merger?
4. Both organizations expect the result of the merger to be lower costs, improved patient service, and increased market power. What steps would you take to make sure that the new practice management system furthers these objectives?
1. How serious was this e-mail security breach? Why did the Kaiser Permanente leadership react so quickly to mitigate the possible damage done by the breach?
2. Assume that you were appointed as the administrative member of the crisis team created the day the breach was uncovered. After the initial apologies, what recommendations would you make for investigating the root cause(s) of the breach? Outline your suggested investigative steps.
3. How likely do you think future security breaches would be if Kaiser Permanente did not take steps to resolve the underlying group and organizational issues? Why?
4. What role should the administrative leadership of Kaiser Permanente take in ensuring that KP Online is secure? Apart from security and HIPAA training for all personnel, what steps can be taken at the organizational level to improve the security of KP Online?
1. What steps should the CEO take to develop an IT strategy for the organization?
2. Are there unique risks to the ability of Meadow Hills Hospital to develop and implement an IT strategy?
3. Meadow Hills appears to have been successful despite years without an IT strategy. Why is this?