1.Select an article from the research literature (this can be any article that interests you). Be sure that the article meets the following criteria:
a.From a behavior analytic journal
i.Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
ii.Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
iii.American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
iv.Behavioral Interventions.
v.Behavior Analysis in Practice
vi.The Behavior Analyst
vii.Behavior Modification
viii.Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
b.Uses any single-case design we have discussed this semester.
2.Next, read the article and answer the following questions. You may address each question, synthesizing this information into a short, 2 page paper.
a.Threats to validity:
i.What threats to internal validity are present in this study?
ii.What threats to external validity are present in this study?
iii.What threats to construct validity are present in this study?
iv.What threats to data-evaluation validity are present in this study?
b.Measurement considerations
i.What is the target behavior?
ii.What measurement procedure was selected?
iii.Were any additional measurement procedures conducted?
iv.How was data reliability measured?
v.How was data validity measured?
i.What experimental design was used in this study?
ii.What changes in level, trend, and variability were shown across conditions of the study?
iii.Was a functional relation demonstrated? Why or why not?
1.Include a screenshot of the graph from this study in your answer to this question.
3.Finally, upload your completed assignment AND your chosen article to the M10 Project assignment.