Aircraft Stability and Control
Your new boss, who was recently appointed to run an aviation company asks you to provide a short report on the stability of the aircraft. This report would include precise technical information about the stability of the aircraft, also the influence of various controls and components on keeping the aircraft in its desired flight path.
1. Define the aircraft axes and degrees of freedom. Analyse the different manoeuvres that can be done (6 marks) by an aircraft along the different axes.
2. what is the static and dynamic stability? Discuss in detail the longitudinal, directional, and lateral (3 marks) stick fixed stability.
3. Discuss in detail about the low-speed and high-speed ailerons, spoilers and the speed brakes. (4 marks)
4. Describe the factors which influence the static stability of aircraft and relate them to individual cases. (6 marks)
a. Define the lateral and longitudinal dihedral and their effects on the stability of the aircraft.
b. Define the static margin, what would be the effect of the static margin on the stability of the aircraft.
c. Define the load factor, and describe the n-v Envelope. Discuss the constraints which dictate the load factor on the aircraft and pilot
5. Describe and compare control systems of at least 2 aircraft types. (6 marks)
a. Identify the various control surfaces associated with the tail i.e. Horizontal and vertical stabilizer for each type and compare them.
b. What is the role of the Horizontal and vertical stabilizers in each type.
c. Compare the roles of Swept back wing, Swept forward wing, Tapered wing and slotted wing?