Review several different business issues where decisions are needed and analyze stakeholder needs and expectations for each case.
You have to find several business issues related to your selected organization or different organization- it can be related to any business operation such as administration, marketing employees issues like employee legal case or lack of technology issue. and explain how this issues impacted the needs and expectations of the different stakeholders.
Research and Review All Relevant Information and Knowledge on the Business Issues Where Decisions Are Needed:
There are two ways to make research; primary research is not possible due covid-19 and secondary research is based on books, articles websites, company' profile and news paper.
Evaluate processes for obtaining relevant information on business issues for given organizations and identify where any strengths or weaknesses in approach exists.
First you need to explain the strengths and weaknesses of the sources of information which you have mentioned in the above criteria then you need to make the final judgment and decision on the reliable source/ sources with the justification.
Take decisions based upon information gained, provide justifications and say how the decision should be disseminated.
You can introduces the different approaches of decision making with examples of different organizations. You need to find the decisions which were made for the issues which you have mention in the above criterions or you have made research and you have to provide the justification then finally, you have to explain how these decisions are communicated to different stakeholders. You can introduces the different approaches of decision making with examples of different organizations.
Make recommendations for improvements to the decision making process and make sure there is relevant participation in the process.
There are some loopholes or shortcomings in the decisions which you have mentioned in the above criteria; you need to provide the recommendations on the loopholes or shortcomings but also you need to make sure the stakeholders have to be appropriate. You can add a different approach from the approach of decision making which you have mentioned above criteria.
1)Plan for, communicate and oversee new approaches to decision making.
You can find different approaches of decision making and write them on the slides and then you can apply these approaches to the issues you have mentioned above and justify the approaches as appropriate for the solution or decisions which are required for the issues.
2)Identify and Develop Measures to allow the effectiveness of the Decision-Making Process to be evaluated:
Whatever the approaches you have mentioned in the above criteria, you need to explain how these approaches are effective and what are the measures you have used to gauge the effectiveness. You are allowed to use any criteria above. This means to identify the different tools to measure the effectiveness of the decision making process.