Financial Statements Analysis
Question :
Case Analysis
To assess your understanding of key concepts that have been discussed about the role of leadership in effecting positive change
Structure :
Critically reflect upon the following statement(s)
Research on organizational culture suggests organizations are “living, social organisms” and that change, without intentional planning and reinforcement, will not last. In addition, if change is not managed intentionally over the intermediate and long terms, the old ways begin to creep back in. Additional research suggests that change has both situational and psychological aspects, andignoring either will result in a nonsustainable situation, wherein the organization is in a constant cycle of change implementation without achieving desired results.Using examples from your practice history and experience, develop a scholarlydiscussion that either agrees or disputes the different aspects of the above statement.
Your analysis needs to include the following headings:
1. Opening position: Here you present a summary of your agreement/ disagreement with the different aspects of the statement
2. Practice Examples: A description of the case(s) that you have chosen to use to support your analysis
3. Critical Analysis: Drawing upon key information from the case(s) that you have presented in the previous section you develop your argument with accompanying evidence to support your argument.
In your critical analysis consider the following elements used to critique organizational change:
1. Was/is the change necessary?
2. What models were used to guide the proposed change?
3. Were the suggested models appropriate for the planned change? Include any suggestions for additional or more appropriate models?
4. What were the potential barriers and enablers for the change process?