MGMT200 Fundamentals of Management
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Q1. What’s meant by Strategic and Operational Decisions, efficiency and effectiveness? {CLO 1} [20 marks]
Q2. One of the important Engineering Management planning functions is the forecasting.
What and Why is the forecasting. Identify the steps to be taken for forecasting and explain under which conditions that technology forecasting can be used. What do you think is it easy or difficult to predict the future conditions and events of the forecasting planning? Explain why? {CLO 2} [20 marks]
Subjective Questions
Q3. What does “span of control mean”? Is it wise to have a small span of control, why or why not? {CLO 2} [20 marks]
Q4. What are the five leading activities that leaders follow? Give a brief description. {CLO 4} [20 marks]
Q5. Explain why the Ethics is important to taught and What are the outcomes of teaching Ethics to engineering students? {CLO 5} [ 20 marks]