In this assignment, you will undertake an inquiry-based project. You will need to research current trends in the retail industry, using valid research sources. Then you will choose one company and conduct an analysis of that company, using relevant business models. The name of this organisation will need to be confirmed with your tutor. You will then need to make recommendations on what that organisation needs to do to focus on continuing their success, or alternatively what they need to focus on to survive. It would be valuable to choose an organisation where you might be able to visit and potentially do some primary research on friends and family who might be customers of that organisation.
It is expected that the report (including any other requirements, will be around 2000 words; 650 words for the trends in retail, 650 for the analysis of the organisation and 650 for the recommendations.
You will be expected to devote substantial time to completing this project independently, in addition to any scheduled teaching in the module.
You are expected to meet the following milestones (key actions and dates you need to achieve as part of the process). Precise dates will be agreed with your module tutor and supervisor:
1.Submit a plan for your project for approval and formative feedback from your supervisor
2.Provide a progress update on your project
3.Deliver the project report