Explain how business objectives are affected by ethicalconsiderations
Evaluate the implications for a business and its stakeholders to operate ethically.
Task :(A.C. 2.1) This task requires you to explain how business objectives are affected by ethicalconsiderations
To achieve a pass you will clearly and adequately describe how business objectives are affected by ethical considerations, you will demonstrate that a range of sources has been employed and that complex information has been synthesized and processed clearly and accurately
To achieve a merit you will demonstrate that both divergent and convergent thinking has been used and the task has been researched and problems identified and resolved.
Task :(A.C. 2.2) This second task asks you to evaluate the implications for a business and itsstakeholders to operate ethically.Here you may want to consider the research findings on business ethics and a firm’s public image and reputation. In addition, you might want to discuss stakeholder theory and the issue of conflicts of interests, e.g. conflicts among stakeholders (owners, employees, customers, suppliers, competitors, citizens)
To achieve a pass: you will provide evidence that the task has been addressed adequately. you will apply strategies to demonstrate that you have designed and selected techniques that show you have made effective judgments in finding appropriate solutions.
To achieve a merit: you will demonstrate that a critical reflection and evaluation of your findings has been completed and that conclusions arrived at can be justified.