FINA 248 Retirement Consultant
Read the Toronto Star article in which the writer gives his opinion on how to calculate how much you really need to retire (much less than you may think).
1) Create and outline your future retirement scenario, clearly defining what you want to do, and answering the questions posed in the article. Be sure to use realistic figures. As you are outlining YOUR scenario, your answers should NOT be the same as anyone else. COPYING will result in a ZERO for all parties.
2) Using the chart in the article (also posted below), clearly indicate how much money you would require annually, and how you reached that conclusion. For example, document reasons for changes in spending, your estimated OAS, CPP, private pensions, etc.
3) Indicate what could happen to throw your financial plan out of whack, and what steps you can do to protect your financial future should one or more of these events occur.