Analysis of the Use CasesThe Chief Privacy Officer has also expressed an objection about this project. The CPO is concerned about the privacy implications of tracking both movement of individuals and the tracking of their purchasing behaviors.The IT Governance Board agreed that the concerns expressed by two of its members (the CFO and CPO) have merit. The board has requested an unbiased analysis of the proposed use cases and the security and p...
Weekly MS Project Exercises1. Task: You will individually undertake the weekly MS Project Exercises provided by the lecturer. Answer the questions asked for that exercise on the VLE (Moodle) and submit the file created. Maximum marks are given for work submitted with the correct answers within the timescale specified on VLE (Moodle). The MS Project Exercises are posted weekly on Moodle in the form of a Question and Notes documen...
ObjectivesThis assignment constitutes part of your in-course assessment (20%) as mentioned in the module overview. It is important that you allocate sufficient time to complete this assignment. Â ObjectivesThe learning objective of this assignment is to reinforce the concepts and principles covered in the module. The team (groups of 2-3 members) shall choose a topic related to Mobile Forensics for your assignment and produce a Di...
Memory instructions: load and storePre-Lab Reading:Please watch the video that is posted on this week’s outline on ARM Load & Store operations.Read the "DaveSpace ARM Tutorial," pay more attention on the sections “Single register data transfer" and “Addressing modes”.Read the Raspberry Pi tutorial on memory and load/store. Also look at Chapter 8 - Arrays and Structures.Read through the following tutorial on ...
Supporting Content for Dr. Koonjbearry's PositionWhat supporting content does Dr. Koonjbearry provide to justify his position? Dr. Rajin K. Koonjbearry – Information Security Officer Data and infrastructure was not designed to be a secure network.The internet is used for many different things. Security layers have been added as needed to protect sensitive information.Internet has become part of the business process, the core.Life woul...
Learning Outcomes AssessedThe following learning outcomes will be assessed: 1.Demonstrate an appreciation of the role of computing and technology in todayâs society 2.Discuss how social, ethical and legal issues are relevant to the subject of computer science   Important Information You are required to submit your work within the bounds of the University Infringement of Assessment Regulations (see Pr...
Task This assignment gives you an opportunity to practice the use of pivot tables for analyzing data and making decisions. These tables are particularly important for managers because they provide easily accessible business intelligence tools, right at the manager’s desk. If you need help with pivot tables, refer to “(Knowledge Extension) KE4-9: What are Pivot Tables and How Do I Use Them” in the textbook. Microsoft Office also...
Unlike reports that are written for information-sharing purposes, analytical reports typically include an analysis of alternatives and recommendations.Keep in mind that while reports share many features with other documents (such as memos and letters), they are usually meant to flow upward—from employees to management. By learning to write effective analytical reports, you can enhance your image with superiors and help your organization ...
Notes for studentsNotes for students • For undergraduate modules:o a score of 40% or above represents a pass performance at honours level. o late submission of any item of coursework for each day or part thereof (or for hard copy submission only, working day or part thereof) for up to five days after the published deadline, coursework relating to modules at Levels 0, 4, 5, 6 submitted late...
You are to write a report based on a case study that focusses on the application of an intelligent system. Intelligent systems can encompass many AI centred systems but the main focus of this assessment is Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing (NLP). Computer vision, as a field, is progressing at a rapid rate helped in part by advances in deep learning. There are many challenges in computer vision including; dual priorities, speed f...
ECA Marks Deduction SchemeThis ECA carries 70% of the course marks and is a compulsory component. It is to be done individually and not collaboratively with other students. You are to submit the ECA assignment in exactly the same manner as your tutor-marked assignments (TMA), i.e. using Canvas. Submission in any other manner like hardcopy or any other means will not be accepted. Electronic transmission is not immediate. It is possible that the...
White papers*We have compiled some excellent articles, white papers, and videos to support learning and exploration. Remember, these are only suggestions to help build upon what you learn. You should not feel restricted in reading what we recommend! If you'd like, prepare your own list in line with what you have learned this week.White papers*:Information Warfare in 2021âAre You Protected from Cyber Attacks? (Links to an exte...
Learning OutcomesThis Assignment assesses the following module Learning Outcomes (from Definitive Module Document): Knowledge and understanding: Have a conceptual understanding of how established techniques of research are used to create and extend existing knowledge in computer science. Be able to identify a research problem from synthesizing problem definitions from relevant literature. Demonstrate originality in proposing alternative so...
Brief Description of Chosen Research SpecialismLO1 Have a conceptual understanding of how established techniques of research are used to create and extend existing knowledge in computer science. LO2 Be able to identify a research problem from synthesizing problem definitions from relevant literature. LO3 Demonstrate originality in proposing alternative solutions within a chosen area. Skills and attributes LO4 Critically evaluate research l...
Project requirementsArtificial life of robotics. Creating a program and code using Nlogo software. In this project you must develop a model in order to ascertain the spread of an infectious disease among a population of agents within a particular timeframe. The purpose of this model is to analyse the following aspects of a disease: Assess the impact of agents staying local within a designated region vs free movement Assess the impact ...