Assessment Objective
The objective of this assessment task is to write a reflective essay that includes discussion of what and how you have learnt, what you have done or experienced, and how this learning applies to the theories and concepts of leadership that you have been exposed to.
A reflective essay is an academic analysis of your own experience. It still follows academic conventions, for instance, it is structured with a beginning, middle, and end, and it should have a logical series of paragraphs. It is a self-analysis where you need to critically reflect on thoughts, feelings and actions, then integrate these reflections with the theoretical concepts. A reflective essay should be written in both the first and third person.
Assessment Process
ï‚· Throughout this subject you have been exposed to various perspectives on leaders, leadership and the impact on organisations.
ï‚· You have also participated in numerous group activities in class, as well as undertaking questionnaires and psychometric assessments. ï‚· Throughout the course, you have been encouraged to keep a reflective journal which you should now draw upon to write a reflective essay.
ï‚· You are required to answer the following question:
ï‚· What type of leader am I and what are the key areas that we need to improve to become more effective?
Leadership can be defined as the power to influence people or group towards one visionary goal. The idea is to motivate, infuse power along with influencing the people's behavior to provide an effective result. By bringing in the best of the resources and people's attitude towards the organization goals, the organization is able to achieve results and objectives. It is often seen that the organization has best of resources, people, caliber, and the pre designed strategy, but they do not have the power to influence people to bring in the desired results. Often the motivational factors are missing and people lack organization visionary goals. They are just focused on the individual goals. The role of the leader within the organization is to understand the individual’s needs strategies and their behavior in order to match it with the resources. After taking the necessary step is to inculcate the individual goals towards the organization goals (Renz, 2016). As the organization and the hired human resources are dependable upon each other, hence they should take appropriate steps to bring in the desired results. The motive is to influence the people minds and their behavior towards the visionary goals by bringing in efficient and effective results. The power to influence people can be done through monetary, incentives or by giving perks, but by influencing their behavior and minds towards the goals, people can bring in the best of results. Leadership influences people in such manner. People often confuse leadership with the managing people, but these both are poles apart.